Sunday was a busy but wonderful day. Mark and I worked hard to finish tidying up the house; Joel came over to take some more stuff out to his house for potential sales; Lowell came to check out the house and have lunch with us; and the real estate agent came to have us sign all the papers for listing the house. It is now officially for sale with Jan Adams of Long and Foster Realtors for $292,900. Now we can just hope for a buyer.
If you would like to see pictures of the house, here is the link to the Picasa Web Album:
To celebrate, and because it was still Purim, Mark and I went out to dinner at Applebee's. We both had our usual Weight Watchers Cajun Lime Tilapia dinner, but we added a couple of extra drinks. Delicious.
Today was yet another busy day of non-stop errands in preparation for the trip. The biggest one was getting the two large suitcases on the train out of Union Station. We had a tip from a baggage handler in Orlando that on such a long train trip involving three different trains, it's a good idea to send the checked luggage ahead a day early. So we packed those bags last night and sent them on their way this morning. Hopefully they will be happily waiting for us in Anaheim on Friday. We also tied up a lot of other loose ends including a cardiology appointment.
The echocardiogram that Mark had on Friday apparently worked out better than in the hospital and showed no BULGING. That's great news. He has been cleared to go on the trip with the admonition not to overdo anything too much. He cannot lift weights, soak in a hot tub, or do anything too strenuous. He can walk as much as he wants, swim gently, and generally ease himself back into his normal routines. He has another followup appointment after we return.
That was welcome news!
Tomorrow the agent returns to pick up two sets of keys to the house. My cleaning lady is coming to do some more cleaning since there is still an awful lot of dust on everything. I have a nail salon appointment; some things just are way too important to skip! My brother is coming to put the rebuilt drawer back in the kitchen and drive us to BWI where we will take a thirty minute train ride to Union Station. We'll have an hour wait before the Capitol Limited whisks us away to Chicago on the first big leg of this odyssey. After a five hour layover on Wednesday, we will take the Southwest Chief to Los Angeles and then the Pacific Surfliner to Anaheim. We have a sleeping car the whole way, which I've never had before, so I'm very excited about that.
Once we are on the train, there will be no internet service until Friday. So, my loyal followers, do not panic when you see no blog posts for awhile. I will be relaxing on the train and enjoying the scenery. I'll post again sometime on Friday from Anaheim, California.
Sorry, wish I could understand what you said here, but I do not speak/read this language. Any chance you could put it into English, whoever you are?