Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Show is OVER, but it was a HIT!

Last night, Mark came to our final performance of the Solivita's Starliters show, "Live, Love, Laugh."  Some of you are going to get sick of hearing of this because I sent you an entire album of the pictures he took plus I put some on Facebook, and now I'm going to put them here.  That's because only SOME of you will get all three. 

It was a great experience.  Yes, it was also tiring and a lot of work.  So many people are involved.  Our director announced that there were 55 singers and 45 support personnel.  It's truly a group effort.  So here are some pictures that Mark took last night. 

On other notes, today I have another busy day planned.  First, I have to run up to the ballroom to rescue my shoes.  I left them behind after the show last night. UGH!  I love those shoes, so I don't want to lose them.  Then I'm running to the costumers house to return my outfits.  After that, I'm going to go to AAA to buy four tickets to the Cirque du Solei show, "La Nouba," for June 14 when Lowell and Emily arrive.  That will be so much fun to take them to the show and then a fantastic dinner at Boma's when it's over.  I am sure they will LOVE Boma's African buffet.  Everyone does! 

After getting those tickets, I will pop in next door to the imaging center to pick up the films of my last two mammograms and ultrasounds plus the written reports.  Those are being immediately delivered to the surgeon down the street.  I have an appointment this afternoon to have the seroma evaluated.  Hopefully, he will agree with the oncologist that it requires no immediate treatment.  I made the appointment for 3:15 because I didn't realize our cast party starts at FIVE!!  I thought the party was at 6.  Now I have to fly home from the surgeon's office, change clothes, and get up to the ballroom by 5 for our party.  Don't want to miss that!

Mark is having some fun right now, at least I hope he is.  He is auditioning for a part in a radio drama to be done in November.  He's always wanted to a do a radio drama!  I think he'll be awesome, so I hope he gets a part. The show will have four performances as a dinner theater in November, and the performers will literally stand in front of mikes holding their scripts, reading it, like in old radio studios.  This is right up his alley, so I hope he gets picked because I think he'll have as much fun as I have had doing Starliters. 


  1. This blogger program has changed from my perspective as the writer. This is the first time I tried to upload pictures since the change. It appeared to go much faster and smoother, which I'm sure was their intent, but it popped all the pictures into the middle of my text. I was able to move two of them to the top, but the rest stayed in the middle. Weird. I hope I get better at this picture thing so I can have them show up where I want them. I never had much control over where they showed up or in what order, so maybe this will ultimately give me more control once I master it.

    1. Was the show recorded?

      I bet Mark will be great at this. I can hear the 1940's announcer now: "A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Ho, Silverstein!"

    2. Yes, our entire show was recorded. They will have a DVD available for the cast to purchase in about six months. It's a slow process! I have ordered five copies of the show from December and have been told they will be ready in May sometime.

      I agree with you 100%, Glen, about Mark being great at this. Now I can report that he has gotten a part! He is playing George, the Head Angel, in "It's a Wonderful Life." I know he will be brilliant. Maybe next year he can talk them into doing the Lone Ranger, and with just a slight slip of the tongue...

  2. Your pictures of your show are beautiful. Will Mark's radio show be broadcast nationwide? Congratulations on getting a part to him. Even though I have never heard his voice his picture looks like he would have a flair for the dramatic.
