Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beach Club Anniversary

This morning Mark and I are going to the gym for our weights, and then he has an appointment for a haircut.  Boom!  Chores are over by lunch time.

After lunch we are checking into the Beach Club at WDW for a one night stay to celebrate our anniversary. Last year we stayed at the Polynesian, which was a lot of fun.  This year it will be the Beach Club.  The Beach Club is known for having the best pool facilities in all of WDW, so this is our first time to stay there and use those facilities.  We're lucky because today is going to be near record-breaking heat, upper 80s.  Tomorrow it plummets into the mid to low 60s for a high, but that's ok because we are spending tomorrow at the Animal Kingdom and the Hollywood Studios.  A cool day is perfect for that.

I will be taking lots of pictures, but I'm not taking my computer. I'm determined to make this little overnight trip very light, so I'm only taking a backpack.  I will upload and post the pictures Thursday night when I get home.

Now for the bad news, the weight is the worst yet.  This morning I hit 269.  That's a very scary number.  My back has been hurting; my knees are starting to groan.  It's all the weight.  I hit my lowest point in January of 2010 at 205 pounds.  Now just three years later, I have regained 64 pounds, more than half of what I lost.  Why?  I eat too much; I am not trying to control anything;  I do not take daily long walks; I do not write down what I eat.

Today we are eating lunch in our favorite little bar because it's near the hair salon.  I can choose a salad with grilled chicken (yes, I occasionally eat non-kosher chicken or turkey out, usually when I'm counting calories and it's the lowest calorie thing on the menu) or I can order a kosher hot dog with fries.  This place has the BEST fries, and it's rare to find a big kosher dog in a restaurant around here.  Obviously I need to pick the salad. 

Tonight we are eating at a buffet restaurant in the Yacht Club, the resort right next door to the Beach Club.  As Mark as often said, "the buffet is your friend."  It can also be my worst enemy.  I can go through the line and load up on salad and veggies and skip the desserts, breads, pastas, and potatoes.  But will I?  I can drink black coffee and water instead of alcohol.  But will I?  Lately, I have done a lot of talking about what I should do, but then I get there and I don't do it.  I am a mess when it comes to food.  Food is my addiction and right now it is winning. I have fallen so far off the wagon I can't even see the wagon anymore.

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