Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Magic Kingdom and Evey's Birthday

Today is our guest's last full day with us, and Passover is over.  Yay!  We are heading out at 7 a.m. to the Magic Kingdom where we plan to spend the whole day through the fireworks at 10 p.m.  That's the plan.  Around 4 p.m. some isolated thunderstorms could happen.  Hopefully not where we are!  LOL!  Frank has not been to the Magic Kingdom since the mid-1980s, so he's looking forward to it.

Last night we went to a great pizza restaurant about an hour north that friends Jonathan and Susan recommended.  Unbeknownst to us they had planned to buy our dinner!  Crazy, but sweet.  Pizza is a traditional "end of Passover" dinner, and this pizza was very delicious. 

Yes, it's also Wednesday, so I have to report the weight.  Passover is tough on weight loss, and I made no attempt to curb my eating. I ate everything I wanted, whenever I wanted it.  That's always a bad idea because I know for sure that my eating habits are not like everyone else's. I always take larger portions than those around me.  Also a lot of the foods we eat during Passover are much higher in fat and sodium than usual because the low-fat, low-sodium varieties just don't exist.  Cheese and canned tuna are the two worst offenders.   The pizza last night also has contributed to this weight gain.  I'm so high now that my back hurts when I walk or stand for too long. I'm very close to having gained almost ALL the weight I ever lost.  This morning the scale said 275.6, a gain of five pounds since last Wednesday.

When I went to the surgeon's office in April of 2009 to talk about hernia surgery, I weighed 295.  That's LESS than 20 pounds away.  If I'm not careful, I will have undone everything. 

Today we are eating all three meals out.  Breakfast is going to be at Subway in just a few minutes.  Lunch and dinner will be at different restaurants in the Magic Kingdom.  My hope today is that all the walking will help.  During Passover, we only went out to take walks two days.

Well, all I can do is start over.  (How many times have you hear me say that in this blog?  LOL!)

On a happier note, it's Evey's 26th birthday.  Happy Birthday, Evey!  I hope you have a fantastic day.  You are a wonderful woman.  I am so proud to be your mother, and so happy you are my daughter.  I love you more than I could possibly write in this blog.  Enjoy your day, sweetheart.

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