Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

I don't ever remember such a cold Memorial Day Weekend in Maryland, and it's not just Maryland. I've been seeing posts on Facebook all morning about how unseasonably cold it is all over the country.  So sad for those who planned to go to the pool or the beach. 

Evey and Eric are camping in a California redwood forest somewhere up near the Oregon line. I bet it's cold there, too.

Lowell and Emily are having a great day visiting their friends Dan and Mindy and others.  I bet they have a lovely cook-out.  It is going to be 75 and sunny today, but so far the wind is making it seem much chillier.

Mark and I are just doing errands today.  I want to get the car washed inside and out at my old favorite car wash in Laurel.  Mark wants to take advantage of the John Wayne's Birthday sale at Carol's Western Wear while we are in Laurel.  It is actually John Wayne's birthday today.  Then we are going to Arundel Mills Mall for walking and more shopping before picking up things for dinner at Seven Mile Market on the way home.  Tonight we are going to watch our weekly Disney movie, Summer Magic, and a John Wayne movie, McClintock.  That's a pretty good day in my book.

The last few days have been so busy that I never had a chance to write a blog.  It's been full of regular errands and shopping and many opportunities for dinners with friends.

Thursday night we met my former students (now friends), Jon and Jen N.  We went to Zen West for Mexican food and had a great time.  On Friday, Mark and I had lunch at the kosher Chinese restaurant in Pikesville and then we picked Lowell up for dinner at Saul and Phyllis' house.  Emily couldn't join us because she had to chaperone her high school's graduation that evening. Phyllis made us a wonderful vegetarian dinner that was just spectacular.  Lowell signed copies of his book for them.  We enjoyed visiting with their son Joel, too.  Saturday was super busy.  We went to shul and then I played Mah Jongg while Mark went home with Saul and Phyllis.  I won only one game, but it was great to play one more time with my Mahj friends up here.  Mark took a long walk around Brookside Gardens with the Oreskys and the Rosens.  Later we all had dinner together at Rabbi Cohen's house.  Another fantastic vegetarian meal was served, and we even went out around 9:10 p.m. for a long walk around the neighborhood before indulging in dessert.  We got home around midnight, tired but happy.

Our trip up here is almost at an end.  We head to NY on Thursday.  This has been a wonderful vacation, albeit cold most of the time!

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