Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hey, Hey, Hay! Two Good Days!

Yesterday went as planned and went very well with only one change.  It POURED and thunderstormed about the time we were heading to the gym and the pool.  We did not swim, so after I did my weight routine, we walked 20 minutes on the treadmill.   When I do the treadmill, I tend to start at 2 mph and raise it to 2.5 about 8 minutes in.  Then I raise the incline to 1 and then 2.  I burned 110 calories in 20 minutes and got my heart rate up to 120.  I like that the machine can calculate that for you.

I ate what I said I would with a few adjustments.  I added a little Parmesan cheese and Bacos to my dinner salad and had almost three times the calories in blueberries.  Dinner was 466 instead of the predicted 275.  That was due to the extra stuff on the salad and a can of green beans that I also had with dinner.  My snack was totally different.  Mark made a diabetic dessert from his magazine, Bananas Foster.  Amazing.  It was 165 calories, so I had that instead of the ice cream and Popsicles.  My snack count came to 292 instead of the predicted 310.  So my day yesterday was 1206 calories eaten and 171 calories burned in exercise.  Not bad.  My reward is another pound gone this morning.

I am really looking forward to being in the 260s tomorrow.  It might happen.  I hit 270.5 this morning.  Once I am established on the right track again, hopefully by Wednesday, I am going to put the scale away for the week.  When I weighed in only once a week, which is recommended by lots of diet plans including Weight Watchers, I didn't obsess about it as much.  Then I was almost always pleasantly surprised by a weekly loss, even if it was just one pound.  One to two pounds is all anyone should reasonably expect to lose once the first week is over.  If I get on it every morning, or even multiple times a day, I start to obsess over every little up and down. I drive myself crazy, so that is NOT going to happen this time.  Back to the Basics!  Weekly weigh ins.

Today Mark is making our special Sunday morning breakfast.  It consists of either low carb pancakes or biscuits.  Today it's pancakes, plus 2 scrambled eggs and 2 of my links.  That means the rest of the day has to be a little lower somewhere to account for the bigger than normal breakfast.  I have programmed it in and hope it works.

Here's today's menus:
B'fast: Mark's special Sunday morning  (395 calories)
Lunch: can of tuna, 1 cup sweet fresh cherries, 1 steamed zucchini (292 calories)
Dinner: Mark's Spinach Alfredo from the Diabetic magazine and a can of green beans(342 calories)
Snacks: banana, SF jello and popsicles (155 calories)
Total planned: 1184

It's predicted to have massive thunderstorms this afternoon again, like yesterday.  So our plan is to head to the pool between breakfast and lunch for some sunning, swimming, and reading.  I'm reading Game of Thrones and can barely put it down.  Sitting on a chaise in the shade by the pool to read that book sounds like heaven.

Once it's lunch time, we will come home for a healthy lunch and watch the Orioles play the Rays on TV.  We were going to go to St. Pete for this game, but we don't want to drive over two hours in the thunderstorms to get home.  Nicer to watch it from the safety of our house.

It's going to be a great day!

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