Saturday, July 27, 2013

Peaceful Shabbat

This morning my SOJC choir performed "Sim Shalom" at the end of the silent Musaf Amidah.  They did a beautiful job.  I was very proud of them.  Now we have no more rehearsals until the day before Rosh Hashanah in September because I'll be gone for a month. 

After we got home, we had lunch and napped before heading up to the gym to do our weights.  I had not done the weights all week since the road to the Palms had been closed.  I didn't like the machines at the other gym.  I was worried I would not be able to do as much weight or reps as a week ago, but it all worked out.  I think the swimming has been building up my arm muscles.

Yesterday I swam for 50 minutes, 32 laps.  That's a half mile plus five more laps!  I was very excited about that. I also walked 1.3 miles in 32 minutes with Mark in the afternoon.  It was hot, but we were able to go back in the pool just to relax and cool off after we were done walking.  It was a lovely day.

Tomorrow we plan to go see the new Wolverine movie, do some shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, eat lunch out (I promise to be careful), go to Mark's comic book store, and end up at the pool if it's not raining.  It should be another great day.

When we get home tomorrow, Mark is going to start printing out all of the maps and TripTiks for our big trip to California and Arizona.  Even though we have our GPS, we like to have the maps, too.  It's our tradition.

My calories today should come in at 1311, which is a fine number.  I hope there is a loss for this week, but it's so hard to tell.  Once again I measured my waist and hips.  Still no change!  That's some stubborn fat cells in there!  LOL!

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