Friday, August 1, 2014

Boo Boos

Yesterday I never weighed in because my plan to move the scale was premature.  I moved that scale downstairs Wednesday night, like I said in the last blog.  Then Thursday morning my routine was completely disrupted.  I had to get up extra early and leave for a breakfast outing at 7:30 a.m.  So Mark actually went downstairs first, let the dogs out, fed them, and returned upstairs to get ready. I just got out of bed and went right to the shower.  By the time I got downstairs, I was dressed already, so no weighing in.

This morning I did it as planned.  The dogs got up when the alarm went off at 6:30.  I went downstairs, let them out, fed them, and then hopped on the scale.  YIKES!  I suspected it was going to be bad, but it was REALLY bad.  This morning I was 262.4.  That means that even though I managed to stay the same on the entire 10 day trip to SD (257 before and after), I have now gained five and a half pounds in the 8 days since we've been home.  Ridiculous.  I really need to put the brakes on this eating thing.  Those who have followed this blog for the last few years know how hard it is for me.  In early December this past year, I had gotten down to 232.  That means I have now gained 30 pounds in 8 months.  So depressing that I keep gaining and losing the same weight.  My head is just not in the game right now.  Sigh.

Well, I have started the day right.  I had four Morningstar veggie sausage linkes (160 calories) and my Dannon Light Greek Yogurt (80 calories).  240 calories for breakfast is very reasonable.  Lunch will be with friends Jon and Bev at the Longhorn Steakhouse in Laurel.  If I skip the bread, soup, alcohol, and dessert, I will be fine.  They have a grilled salmon salad that is perfect.  I had the grilled salmon Caesar salad with bread and butter and with a huge dessert on Monday with Mark's co-workers.  I need to try a little harder this time.

We had a lovely time at the breakfast at IHOP yesterday morning.  We met Rudy, Saul, and Phyllis.  This was the first time we had seen Rudy since Georganne passed away a few weeks ago.  He had gone to California for a memorial service for a relative and had just returned Wednesday night.  He and George had planned that trip for awhile, long before she went to NH and took that downward turn.  He looked pretty good, all things considered.  We talked about how he plans to clean out the house and sell it.  He is not sure where he wants to live, but he is sure he wants to travel a lot and not own that house anymore.  We all wished him luck with that big task.  Mark and I surely do know how hard it is to clean out a house after that many years.  He and George bought their house before we bought ours.  They were in it over 30 years, for sure.  It was very hard for me and Mark to work together on it, and we had each other and the fun plan of going to Florida to the beautiful new house.  He now has to do this alone, under sad conditions, and doesn't know where he wants to go when he's done.  Such a difficult thing to do. 

And Saul was literally driving off to Boardman, Ohio shortly after the breakfast to begin his new job, indeed his whole new career, as a congregational rabbi.  He has worked for years and years towards this goal, so it is exciting to wish him well and good luck, but it's also sad to know that it could be a long time before we see him again.  Phyllis is finishing up some things in the area, her job and some house clearing-out chores, before joining him later in September by the time of the High Holidays.  She plans to come back to the area one day a month to work at her old job because she can keep her health insurance up with them that way. I'm sure she will get a new job in the Youngstown area eventually.  Meanwhile her son Joel is going to continue living in the old house.  They have now rented a 4 bedroom house in Boardman.  We looked at pictures of it on Zillow.  It looks very nice, sort of similar to Cindy's new house, a brick Cape Cod, but without Cindy's big addition in the back.  Mark and I wished him well on his new adventure, too.

Here's a picture of all of us at IHOP.
Mark, me, Saul, Rudy, and Phyllis.  After I looked at this picture, I realized the empty chair by Phyllis seemed very poignant to me.  Georganne should have been in it. I'd like to think she still was.

Then we did some grocery shopping and got home by lunch time.  In the late afternoon, we took the two dogs out for a walk.  That didn't go too well.  Somehow Mark tripped on the path in the woods and went down hard on his knee.  His palm and elbow got a little scraped, but despite wearing heavy blue jeans, his right knee was severely scraped up.  We searched all the medicine cabinets in the house and found antibiotic ointment (only expired in April of 2014!  lol) and some large bandages to cover it up.  I'm sure he will be fine, but we cut the walk short.  I was looking away at the time, so I didn't see him go down. I heard a noise and looked over just as he was hitting the ground.  I was so nervous!  I didn't know if he had broken something or would be able to get up on his own.  I was prepared to call 911 if necessary, but he got up on his own and we went home right away.  Short walk for the dogs yesterday.  It might rain later today, so maybe we won't try to walk them again for awhile.

Here's a picture of his boo boo!

With any luck, we will get our act together tomorrow morning and go to shul.  Last Saturday we just couldn't manage it.  After shul, I am going to my friend Robin's house to play Mah Jongg again.  This time I plan to remember to wear my new Mah Jongg bracelet that I bought at the Jewish Museum of Baltimore back in June!  Most of my girlfriends up here always wear Mahj jewelry when we play.  I haven't had any before, so I really want to remember to put this on tomorrow before I leave the house!  I also hope to wear it every time I play down in Florida, too. 

Have a good day, everybody who might be reading this blog.  And stay on your feet.  No boo boos!

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