Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Teeth!

Yesterday's dentist appointment was amazing.  It was just our regular six month check up.  Actually, it was rescheduled from a few weeks ago.  Originally, it was the day Mark woke up with the fever of 101.7.  Clearly, we weren't going anywhere that day. LOL!

So we got there at 10:30 for our check ups and cleaning.  Both of us got good check ups, no cavities or gum problems.  We got regular cleanings and told to come back in six months.  That's GREAT because it has not always gone like that for us.  BUT there was one more very special thing that happened.

I was born with a gap between my two front teeth that has widened over the years.  Then bit by bit chips started coming off the bottoms of them.  They never hurt, so no work was ever suggested.  I haven't been vain enough to want the mcapped.  Then in October, on our cruise on the Carnival Ecstasy, both front teeth had chips fall out of the fronts of the teeth.  I was concerned since we were on the cruise, and I was so worried that the teeth would become overly sensitive.  No worries.  Except for feeling rough and looking worse, they did not hurt.  So when they asked if I had any concerns, I mentioned this.  The dentist looked at them and said she could paint some bonding material on them to seal them and prevent further damage.  She said it would be quick, easy, and require no shots of Novocaine, so I said ok.

WHOA!!!!  She was right.  No shots, no pain, about 8 minutes, fully paid by my dental insurance.  That would have been good enough. Dayenu!  BUT that's not ALL.  She actually completely rebuilt the teeth.  The ragged edges are smoothed out and evened.  All the rough spots where enamel fell off are smooth.  The gap is smaller.  I really had no idea she was doing that until she showed me a mirror.  I about cried.  I always thought I wasn't vain enough to do anything about the mess, but once I saw how good they looked, I realized I LOVE it.  I think my smile will be more frequent and happier from now on.

I was looking for some before and after pictures to post here.  It was hard to find a good Before picture because I realized I didn't smile wide enough or often enough on camera to show those teeth. I think it was almost an unconscious decision. 

So here are some pictures, befores and afters.  I am very impressed with my dentist!!

Taken on a cruise in 2012.

November of 2009.

Yesterday on my cell phone because I was so happy.

Mark took this one this morning just for the blog.

We also had a fabulous afternoon after the dentist.  We went to the Boardwalk resort at WDW for a quick pizza lunch on the boardwalk followed by the DVC Welcome Home Wednesday at the Atlantic Dance Hall.  This was a special one called "Great Moments with Walt Disney."  It's been put together by the Disney archivist and the editor of the DVC owners quarterly magazine and featured a 90 minute presentation of pictures and video clips of Walt Disney, some rarely seen.  It was free and drew a packed house.  We also were given special buttons and a DVC baseball cap.  Pretty cool! This special presentation is traveling the country for DVC members in about 7 different cities, including the one we saw yesterday.

We finished up the day with an SOJC Choir rehearsal that went very well.  All in all, an excellent day!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, the result is impressive! With the gaps gone, your teeth look more aligned and proportioned. Even if you weren’t conscious about the gaps and they didn’t hurt, it’s still a food decision to raise this concern to your dentist, as it is only be a matter of time before the tooth gap widened more, chipped off, or affect the neighboring teeth. It would cost you more money and procedures to get them corrected then.

    Donnie White @ Good and Associates
