Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Home is good.

Although we surely did enjoy our time in Snohomish with the family, it still feels good to be home!

It was a long day yesterday getting here.  We got up at 7 PT and dropped the rental car off at 10:45.  We had some leisure time in the airport, so we had an excellent Pacific style lunch: salmon burgers and a Washington Apple cocktail.  Yum.  Our flight to San Francisco was on time, but then we had an hour delay.  We left San Francisco at 5:40 p.m. and landed in Florida at 1:20 a.m.  By the time we got out of the plane, picked up our bags, caught the shuttle to the long term lot, and drove home, it was 3:15 a.m.  Of course, our bodies only thought it was a bit after midnight, which allowed me to drive home safely.  We got in bed at 4 a.m. and woke up at 10:30 this morning.  We are both feeling quite jet lagged.

I have to leave at 12:30 for a mani/pedi at the Cove, but other than that, I'm staying in all day. Mark doesn't have to go outside at all today.  It's also 75 degrees today and the next four days will be 81.  I enjoyed seeing the snow because it was a surprise, but I do not like being cold!  It's nice to be back to some more moderate temps.

As for my weight, I only gained one pound on this week long trip, so I think that's fabulous considering what I ate!  I guess we did do a lot of walking around to help.  Still, the weight this morning was 270.5, far, far, FAR from a good weight.  Tomorrow I have my medical oncology appointment.  I don't know what she'll think when she sees how much I've gained in the last six months.  It will be embarrassing.  Nothing to do now but try to get back on track.

Lowell went back on Saturday.  Then Saturday night Mark had some cuddle time with Sydney and Roux.

Eric is re-smashing the mashed potatoes with a power drill.  Kip's idea!

Sunday Eric and Evey had to leave, but not until late afternoon.  We played Apples to Apples (Kip won) and Farkle (Mark won) before lunch.

Evey enjoys her StitchFix clothes.  This is one of her new shirts.  Very cute.

Now that it's not raining or snowing, it's clear and we can see the mountains from Kip's kitchen window.
Lunch at Jake's.

Jake's is famous for its PILE of fries.  I shared Evey's because I took soup instead of fries with my grilled cheese sandwich.

Who's cold?

Denise scored a new faux fur coat for $20 in downtown Snohomish after breakfast.  She looks beautiful, AND WARM.

After we the Gaertners were at the airport, Kip got out his new mahogany guitar.  Beautiful.

They took us to a fabulous restaurant right on Puget Sound for dinner.  We had salmon chowda and lingcod.  Unbelievably delicious.  Thanks so much to Denise and Kip for hosting the holiday.

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