Sunday, February 1, 2015

Yes, still sick.

Mark and I stayed home all day yesterday so that I could try to recover enough to sing my solo last night.  That didn't happen.  Around 4 p.m., when I had already rested all day, drank multiple cups of hot tea, taken some intensive steam treatments, and swallowed some decongestants, I gave up. I emailed the choir and took Wendy M. up on her offer to sing it for me.  She did a great job.  I still feel miserable.  I don't plan to get out of my robe and slippers today.  I have been up since 8 a.m. and have already slugged down four cups of hot liquid.  Ridiculous.  Mark is currently showering and is willing to go to the store for me to buy some Hall's, some Vitamin C drops, and some more DayQuil.  I have absolutely nothing here to take other than tea.

I hope I feel better by tomorrow because I can't spend any more days in my bathrobe trying to recover.  We both have eye doctor appointments tomorrow morning plus the lecture on Jane Eyre. Every day this week has at least one major activity leading up to Friday when we head to Fort Lauderdale to board the Celebrity Constellation on Saturday for a two week cruise.  No time to be sick then!

Last night was a lovely affair.  The Rosen Plaza had decorated the room in a spectacular manner.  Nearly 200 people attended and even the food was delicious.  There was lots of entertainment, in addition to the two songs by the choir, a candle lighting ceremony that was very inclusive as well as amusing, and lots of dancing!  I took a few pictures, so here they are for anyone who is interested.
Rosen Plaza ballroom, beautifully decorated

Wendy rehearsed a few times before the event, and she did a great job of singing my solo.  Unfortunately, there were no pictures of the choir when they performed.

Wendy and me

Me and Sara

Set up for the candle lighting ceremony

Cantor Doug and Dr. Maris Ramsay being introduced as the guests of honor

Rabbi Skolnik started off the evening with a great introductory speech.

Ezra and Mark

Even the choir got called up to light a candle.  There were 12 of us there that night, but some did not come up for the llghting ceremony.  Not sure why.

Our friend Jules and his family wrote a very amusing skit about leading services.

The highlight for me was the rabbi singing "Page of Leviticus" to the tune of "Age of Aquarius."

They lifted Doug up on a chair during the Hora.

Me ad Mark at the table.

Mark brought out Irwin for the first time for the SOJC folks.  They loved it!

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