After the morning's rehearsal, lunch on the road, a stop at the library to finish a newsletter article and take some photos for it, I finally saw the eye surgeon about my ptosis, also called droopy eyelid. The appointment was about two hours long. During it they did an eye exam, pressure test (all fine}), took photos from every possible angle, and did a field of vision test. I pretty much failed the field of vision test completely in the right eye, but I was surprised at how little I saw in the left as well. I have virtually no peripheral vision at all. I have no vision about half way up the eye range. They did call my condition very severe.
So....I am scheduled for laser surgery on the morning of March 1. Medicare covered today's tests and visit. They will cover the ptosis surgery, but I was talked into paying a ridiculous amount out of pocket to fix the skin folds over the eyes and remove about a dozen skin tags. Although the skin folds are considered cosmetic by Medicare, the eye surgeon said the ptosis surgery prognosis is much better if she fixes both at the same time. I agreed, but I am now out of a large sum of money. Oh, well....
The surgery will be done under a light general anesthesia and leave me with stitches that will be removed 8 days later. I'll look pretty black and blue and swollen for about three or four weeks afterward. My activities will be curtailed for about 10-14 days. I won't be able to lift more than 10 pounds, bend over so that my head is too low, or do anything that might raise my heart rate. That means I'm most likely going to drop out of doing the props for the play. There's a lot of carrying and moving around for that. If I have to stop it for two weeks right at the end of the rehearsals and we'll be gone for 10 days in the middle of February for a cruise, I might as well turn the props job over to someone else right now. I sent an email to the director and told her. Now it's her decision.
Meanwhile, we had a great Tu B'Shevat seder Sunday night with Jonathan and Susan and cousin Ron. Mark's white chicken chili was spectacular. The fruits were so beautiful and fresh. I posted most of the pictures on Facebook today, but I'll post a few here, too.
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