Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Always some good and some bad

Yesterday I played Mah Jongg with my morning and my afternoon groups.  I won games at both sessions, so that was very good.  At 4 p.m. we attended the Book Club lecture at the Palms on Ivanhoe, a book I've always wanted to read because my Dad told me that I was named for the character Rebecca in that book.  Then I spent the rest of the day at home with time to work on my jigsaw puzzle, read some of the two books I'm working on, study the weekly Torah portion with Mark, and eat all my meals at home.  It was a very good day.

I kept my calories extra low yesterday, eating only 1134 and the carbs at 135.  This morning my blood sugar was 106, a little lower than it has been.  The best news was that I went down two pounds this morning to 260.5.  This made me happy.

The bad news is that I'm still struggling to get back to the 258.8 that I hit on October 25.  The week after that low number is when I gained 7 pounds, and I have not undone them in two full weeks unless tomorrow it shows up.  Then I will have taken two weeks exactly to take off what I put on in one week.  So sad.

The worst news is that beginning today there are very few days that I'm eating all of my meals at home for the next TWO MONTHS!  We have 2 trips out of town, many meals in restaurants with friends and family, 2 cruises, Thanksgiving, and other parties in people's homes or at the Cove, two at the Cove in fact.

This morning Mark said that I should start exercising more and just not take much food at the restaurants and parties.  Of course that is the ONLY right answer; however, it is easy for him to say and hard for me to do.  For me, going to parties and restaurants and telling me not to eat much is like taking an alcoholic to a bar night after night and telling him only to drink a little.  Neither one works. Alcoholics can't usually do that very well and neither can Foodaholics do well in situations where food is easily and readily available.  Will-power only lasts so long.

Tonight we are meeting out of town friends at the Cove for dinner.  They are here for a week, but our crazy schedule means that we can only see them tonight.  It's Taco Tuesday night at the Cove, so that is our dinner.  I have eaten an extra small breakfast and lunch in preparation for this dinner, and I'm hoping I will be okay tomorrow.  No matter how carefully you think you are eating in restaurants, there is always hidden sodium and fats that you don't always see or taste and definitely are hard to calculate.

Tomorrow we have dinner out at the fall play, then Thursday morning we are driving to the Boynton Beach area where we will have lunch on the road, dinner at a Greek restaurant with friends, and breakfast and lunch Friday on the road as we drive home.  That's just the start of our many times when we are not eating at home.

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