Monday, August 6, 2018

It's my Birthday, and I'm typing this on my brand new laptop!

Wow.  Yesterday Eric, Evey, and Mark totally surprised me with a brand new MacBook laptop in rose gold.  It's smaller and lighter, and CLEANER than my other one, which they gave me for Hanukkah about three years ago.

We had gone to visit the new Visitor Center for the new Apple campus in Cupertino.  Eric will be moving over there in about a week to work, so we went there yesterday for the virtual tour.  It was pretty amazing.  Then we went through the store part of the center and then upstairs to the rooftop deck where you could see the actual Ring building.  Eric said he had to take a phone call, so he didn't get in the elevator with us.  A few minutes later, he steps out of the elevator and presents me with this fancy new laptop that he had just picked up downstairs in the store!  Wow!  I was so amazed.

Then last night he got it all set up for me.  So nice.  It's so pretty.  I love it.

We also went to the Ames Research Center, which had a lovely little visitor center.  What a nice day! There was a huge lunch in between, so I am afraid to get on the scale this morning.

Today I am 68 years old.  I am not watching my calories today either.  Mark and I are going grocery shopping later this morning and then eating a kosher lunch out.  Tonight I'm having a big grilled rib eye steak, a baked potato, and broccoli.  And I'm eating the WHOLE potato.  No sharing.  LOL!

After dinner, I'm having a big slab of chocolate banana mousse cake and homemade peach ice cream, all courtesy of Evey.  She very nicely calculated the calories and carbs for me and Mark.  I should eat only 1/16th of the cake.  HAHA!  NOT!  I'm eating a huge slab and I don't care how many calories and carbs are in it. So there.

PS.  Eventually I did get on the scale, 270.  Geez and I haven't even had my birthday food yet.  That's four pounds up in three days.  Yeah, that's how I roll.

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