Saturday, September 22, 2018

Tampa Bay History Museum and down a pound.

We had a super busy day yesterday of driving around doing errands like shopping and picking up Mark's car  It took FOREVER.  We didn't even get to the library.  Fortunately, our "boss" at the library was okay with that.  I sent him a note around 11 a.m. saying it looked like we might not make it until 2 instead of 1.  At 2 I told him we wouldn't make it at all.  By then, Mark's leg was really hurting a lot. I knew that once he got home, he would need to prop that leg up and ice it.  Mark got home at 3ish.  I didn't get home until after 4.  I never did even eat lunch yesterday.  When we were shopping at Winn Dixie, we picked up two packages of the birthday cake flavor special Mickey's 90th birthday Oreos, so I ate two cookies in the car driving to get Mark's car from the shop.  Mark then drove home while I finished the shopping at Publix, including getting his prescription NSAID.. I also went to Walgreen's to get him a compression stocking to wear today when we go to the museum.  Just shopping for an hour at WinnDixie made his leg swell and throb.  He was miserable.  We are wondering how he's going to get through the museum.  He says he's going to do what I do, sit down periodically.

I made the dinner and cleaned up everything last night so that he could stay in the recliner with his leg elevated and iced.  He took his first dose of the NSAID after dinner.  He'll take the second dose after breakfast this morning.  I hope by the time the 30 day course of it is up the whole thing is resolved.  The antibiotic should come in the mail by Wednesday, we hope, so that might help, too.  The swelling is less this morning, but if he puts pressure on the back of the calf,. there is still pain.

Meanwhile, I did drop a pound yesterday to 264.  I ate 1350 calories.  It was a good day of calories and lots of walking, 6500 steps, in three different stores and around the house.

Today we will be eating lunch in the Columbia Restaurant inside the museum.  Mark and are I are going to split the sandwich and I'm probably going to get the vegetarian black bean soup to go with my half sandwich.  That will be kind of high in calories, but it's the only meal this week that will be outside the house.  I think this will be a great week, and I'm looking forward to hitting 260 before I have to go in that MRI machine next Friday for for the brain scan.

Thursday I moved up to 50 mg at night of the Topamax. I have not noticed more queasiness, but this morning I got the very common side effect of tingling in the right hand. It was more like prickles. I reached for my toothbrush this morning and it felt like the toothbrush was covered with needles.  I realized it was in my hand.  It only lasted about 10 minutes because it's already gone.  It will be interesting to see if that's something that will be coming and going or if it's just a one shot.

Did I mention that I'm very happy to be 264 this morning?

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