Saturday, October 6, 2018

Heading to NJ

In an hour or so, we will head north to NJ.  We are having some socializing time in the home of our friends, Vinnie and Annette, then an early bird dinner, compliments of Vinnie, followed by a masquerade dance party at their clubhouse, before checking into the Comfort Inn near the Gaertner's house.  It should be a great day.

Since this is a masquerade dance, Annette said wear a mask but no costume. I brought a cat mask from home that used to be Evey's and Mark bought a Zorro/Lone Ranger type mask yesterday at Walmart.  While we were at Walmart, we tried on some Halloween masks.  Those pictures are below and were pretty funny looking.

Cindy got home about 3:30 yesterday, so we had a lovely time catching up on everything.  It surely wasn't enough time, since we had to leave at 4:45, but we'll see her again on the 21st after the cruise. Then she'll be here every day that we are.  Yay!  I love Cindy SO MUCH!

Dinner at Lowell and Emily's house was awesome.  The food was good, too good. I ate too much.  I am so predictable.  I ate exactly what I said I would with a few exceptions.  First, he offered to make special cocktails that he had invented called a Solstice.  It was a form of Cosmo, which he knows I like.  How could I insult him by turning this down?  It was delicious, so three of us had one, and he had Jameson's Irish Whiskey for his dad.  So thoughtful.  We checked out their new gorgeous, gigantic, recliner couch in their basement and how they have fixed up and beautified their little backyard.  Their house looks beautiful.  We had fun playing with Ozma and gave her a squeaky hedgehog like Kiwi's.  I ate what I planned for dinner, but I ate at least twice as much challah as I programmed, and before I ate any meat, I used some of the Kerrygold reduced fat butter on half of the challah.  Delicious.  Then Emily had thoughtfully purchased a sugar free Angel food cake for dessert, an excellent choice, but calories I had not programmed either.  When I got home, I needed some food to take my night time Advil with, so I had two Oreos.  All in all, I think I had about 1900 calories, which is 500 over my daily limit.   That should not be enough to gain weight. It should be a nice maintenance number.

My weight this morning was up only half a pound to 261.5, which could just be sodium from the deli wrap or hidden salt on the chicken cutlet that was cooked in the store.  It's hard to say.  Anyway this is the last morning that I will weigh in until October 22 after the cruise.  It just so easy for me to gain weight when I'm actually trying not to but when I'm not in the house.  I would be grateful to come back from the cruise not higher than 262!  That's for sure!

Enjoy these pictures from yesterday. I have decided to take the computer, and if I can post a blog along the way on the cruise, I certainly will. I might even have time to post one tomorrow with pictures from today with Vinnie and Annette.