I went back to work today, and it was nice. Everyone was so kind, even many of the kids had heard and asked how my husband and I were doing. So sweet. The county announced early that it would close two hours early for the impending snowstorm, so I knew it would be a short day. I got home by 1 p.m.
This morning I weighed 213. I was stunned. I did not feel that I had eaten that much yesterday. I ate 2360 yesterday and 1400 the day before. I really shouldn't be putting on that much weight so quickly. It might have been fluid retention or it might be too many vitamin C drops at 15 calories each. I don't know. I'll see what it looks like tomorrow morning. I'm doing well so far today, still I weighed 207 Tuesday morning. This is a 6 pound gain for three days. Once when I was 18 years old, I gained 30 pounds in two weeks. My body is so annoyingly efficient at packing on the pounds.
My daughter is in a nutrition class in her final semester at Northeastern University and plans to go for her masters in Nutrition next fall. She said yesterday that your weight times 11 is the number of calories your body needs to maintain itself, not counting any extra exercise you might do. If I weigh 210, then I need 2310 to maintain that weight, even if I don't do any special exercise or long walks. Mark weighs 144 and should need 1584 on this formula. Clearly there are other factors. If he eats less that 2800, he loses. If I eat more than 1800, I gain.
Now that Mark is on medication to lower his heart rate and blood pressure, he is thinking that his daily calorie intake might be able to go down and still maintain his weight. He'd be happy about that because it's hard to get 2800 calories on a low-fat, low-carb, low-sodium, mostly vegetarian, kosher diet. OY!!
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