Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 Facts

Yesterday Mark and I were "tagged" on Facebook by our niece Katie. She had posted 30 facts about herself and challenged us to do the same. Mark immediately took up the challenge and posted his 30 facts last night on Facebook. I am dragging my feet. My first thought was that I wouldn't be able to think up 30 facts. Then I had a dream last night that I kept writing things down and after about five things, I realized they weren't facts about me, just general facts. LOL It's hard to come up with 30 facts about oneself. Katie did a great job on her list, and we learned some new and interesting things about her. When I read Mark's list, I realized that after 35 years of marriage, I knew all of those things! That's a good thing because maybe it's not so good to find some hidden surprise in there now! LOL

So in case some of you who read this blog do not read Facebook, and in case some of you who read this blog are tired of reading about me and would like to know more about Mark, I decided to publish his list of 30 facts here today. I do have his permission and knowledge, by the way, just in case you were wondering!

Thirty Facts about Mark Silverstein by Mark Silverstein:

1. I hate winter.

2. I believe that if everybody lived by a cowboy code or code of the west, the world would be a better place.

3. I love to cook, but I don't like repeating recipes I have prepared many times.

4. I believe in the importance of America's space program and love when people benefit from everyday items developed through space technology.

5. I'm disheartened when people speak negatively of "the government." In this country, We, the people, ARE the government. That is how a representative democracy works.

6. I will pick a comic book or comic strip over a TV show, movie, play, or concert any day.

7. I am addicted to and obsessed by all things pertaining to Walt Disney and his company.

8. I worry a lot about everything, but I try to channel that into a positive attribute.

9. I really hate cancer.

10. I was raised in the Jewish religion, and after all these decades it still feels right for me.

11. I pick Kirk over Picard, Star Trek over Star Wars, and Mal Reynolds over Han Solo.

12. I don't care much for clothes, but if I have to dress, it will be western clothes or something Disney.

13. I believe my wife is the most beautiful, wonderful woman I have ever seen.

14. I am humbled by the help, care and concern my friends and family show in times of need. They set a high standard.

15. I am proud of my children. They always surprise me in a positive way by what they say and do.

16. I am easily distracted.

17. Given the opportunity, there are very few cable TV stations I will not buy.

18. I worry about a generation that does not know Hoppy, Roy, or Gene, but heck, we already established I worry about everything.

19. I don't see or phone my relatives enough, but thank God for Facebook!

20. Oh, I also hate the telephone and seldom use it.

21. I think number 20 is because a phone call is how I learned my Grandfather died.

22. Most of the time, I'd rather be skinny dipping.

23. I do not like having my toe nails touched or cut.

24. I am proud to have worked for NASA as a Civil Servant and believe that along with our military, the Civilian Federal Workforce is one of our nation's greatest assets.

25. I get annoyed by people who allow themselves to become embarrassed by what other people say or think.

26. I get annoyed with myself when I allow stupid comments to get to me, when I should know better.

27. I believe people are always changing and wonder how many items on this list will be true 5 minutes or 5 years from now.

28. I am a creature of routine and do not like having my routines changed.

29. It takes me a long time to get used to every new plan, idea, or schedule change, usually created by my wife.

30. I like photos of people I know, but can not stand to sit through vacation slide shows and videos, unless, of course, they depict the west, or a Disney park. 


1. Mark at Disneyland, March 2010.

2. Mark in a western shirt in an historic restaurant in Abilene, KS, 2009.

3. Mark in the Celebrity Constellation lounge going through the Panama Canal, April 2010, wearing a Disney t-shirt.

4. Mark on a beach in the San Diego area, wearing a Disney hoodie and fanny pack, March 2010.

5. Mark at the Passover Seder on the Celebrity Constellation, March 2010, en route to the Panama Canal.

I chose these pictures because they show some of the things that he mentioned in his list like his love of Disney, his love of western wear, and his love of Judaism.


  1. Thanks for posting. Since I'm not a Facebook person, I enjoyed learning and confirming. Don't know whether I could come up with 30 facts about myself. Something to think about. But there's one on Mark's list that I could easily put on mine. #9

  2. I like # 13. All I ever needed to know!

  3. I definitely agree with #9 the most on his list. I am definitely not tired about reading about you, but I enjoyed getting to know more about your husband.

  4. Catching up on yours and Becca's blogs today. And Facebook. Loved Mark's list. Don't know if I could come up with 30 things either. Glad to read you had a great visit with Evey and Lowell. Becca won't be back until Spring. Sigh. The picture with everyone involved in their phone cracked me up. Heading into Hanukah and wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Love, Farlee

  5. I too loved getting to see Mark's list. and getting to know him a bit better. We're talking about him like he isn't in the room! LOL. I love that he is so enamoured with the west and western wear. I hope my next trip is back out west. I've only been there once but did attend a Pow Wow on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and got to see Indian Activist Russell Means dance at it. I too hope your Dr. appointment only brings good news.

