Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stormy Morning

Our area is having severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings this morning. The worst of it is not really coming over our area, just some wind and rain. It will all be over by lunch time. That's good because at 2:30 I have to go for radiation #19. Up until then, we plan to stay safely indoors.

It's payday, so I'll be updating my checkbook and paying some bills. On the way to radiation I can make a few deposits. Sooner of later I need to have my bank set up online banking so I can make these deposits with a click of the mouse instead of driving through the bank line.

Mark is going to work on our taxes again today. He got a start before Evey's visit, but it always takes more than one day to get it finished. I don't know if he'll finish today, but it will be another chunk done. It HAS to be done soon! We're down to the final two weeks.

I'm hoping he has time to build another DVD tower. There are only 6 more things for him to build: 2 DVD towers, 2 bookcases, 2 dressers. It's really exciting seeing all these things come together to make the house look better. Once he's finished with these items and the taxes, he can turn his attention to setting up his den. Then we'll really be all moved in.


  1. You are moving through the radiation pretty quickly. That is great! Stay safe til the tornadoes leave. I am impressed that you guys do your own taxes. We have never done our own taxes. It is nice that your house is getting settled. Will you be able to swim again as soon as radiation is done? I'm not a frequent swimmer and so it wasn't an issue with me when I was going through radiation. Have a good day.

  2. It's currently raining cats and dogs and elephants. The tornadoes have missed us, Thank God! I am still hoping the heavy rain lets up by 2:30 when I have to go out to radiation.
    I love swimming, so I can't wait to be told I can go. I need to ask if there's a waiting period after this is over. I don't really know.
    Mark has always done his own taxes. He uses TurboTax now on the computer, but he always did it himself even before the computer days. I guess ours aren't all that complicated.
    Hope you are having a nice day!
