Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Check Back Later and a Prediction at the bottom

I really enjoyed yesterday because I did everything I planned to do and even won one game at Mah Jongg. That doesn't sound like a lot of wins, but many people didn't win at all. It was an odd day full of wall games (no winner), so one win was OK with me. Now my car runs smoothly and quietly, and Mark put together one of the new DVD towers and emptied an entire box of BETA tapes on to it. We went to the gym and walked a full two miles in the sunshine. Plus, the Starliter rehearsal was especially fun because I got to rehearse my duet. Yes, it was a good day yesterday.

Now it's Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day everybody. I hope you are all sharing it with someone you love, or at least doing something special for yourself if you are alone. Alone or together, maybe you can have a bubble bath, read for pleasure, listen to some music, eat some chocolate, take a walk, or do whatever will make you happy. I gave Mark a box of sugar-free chocolates and a card. He gave me an adorable Mickey card with the promise of a homemade, low-cal, Kung Pao chicken dinner tonight. He also plans to put together another DVD tower, and I get to go to another fun rehearsal for Starliters tonight.

Well, now for the other shoe to drop. I also have a 2:30 appointment with the GYN/ONC this afternoon. I'm hoping they have the biopsy results because if they don't, this appointment will be somewhat less than satisfactory. When I had the biopsy last week (Wednesday), they said it would take a week to get the results. Today is one day short of a week, and I told this new office that information when they were scheduling the appointment. They promised they would do their best to get the results early, but when they called to confirm the appointment yesterday, they did not have the results yet. They are still trying.

So please check back to this blog entry later this evening. I should get back from the appointment by 4:30 or 5 and log on to put up the results right away. I have to leave for my Starliters rehearsal at 6:10 and dinner will be at 5:30, but I still think there will be plenty of time to write up what happened at the doctor's before then. For some reason, I have a strong feeling that this biopsy will be normal, but then I felt that way about the ultrasound, too, and I was wrong. I guess there's just no way to predict the results, so I am going to spend the day taking a walk, balancing my checkbook, reading, and enjoying the day before we leave for that appointment. After all, it is Valentine's Day!

OK, it's hours later than when I wrote the previous paragraphs. I balanced my checkbook, read my book, took a 30 minute walk, and looked at the mail. Now I'm eating lunch and in 40 minutes, we will be heading up the road to the GYN/ONC's office. Before going, I want to put my prediction into writing, then I'll see if I'm clairvoyant! LOL!

I predict that my biopsy will be negative and that we will decide to wait six months to repeat the ultrasound to check on the status of the ovarian mass and thickness of the uterine lining. That's my prediction. I'll be back later to give the final report!

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