Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weighing and Worries

My weigh in this morning was FABULOUS! I was completely rewarded for my hard work this week with a three and a half pound loss, going from 258.2 to 254.7. I was elated when I stepped off that scale. Now I'm gearing up for another great week!

This week I will be eating three meals out, one lunch and two dinners. First is my usual dinner on Thursday night at Lakeside with the free wine. Mark and I have both made the decision to skip the potato choice in favor of double vegetables. Also, I will eat out on Saturday night at a hotel. That is the big Installation dinner and ceremony for our new rabbi at our new shul, SOJC, Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation. It's a catered, sit-down dinner in a hotel. Often portions aren't that big at those things, so hopefully I will maintain control there. NO BREAD! That's one big key for me.

The third meal out is lunch the following Sunday afternoon. This is the one that I am the most worried about. It is a KOSHER barbecue at our cantor's ranch in honor of Tu B'Shevat. Now that doesn't happen very often! There will be kosher hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill as well as veggie burgers. I have no idea what else will be there, but it will ALL be kosher, so it will ALL be available to me in a buffet setting. YIKES! Be afraid, be very afraid. Mark and I plan to help each other behave, me with calories and him with carbs. I'll let you know how we do!

Now for the worries mentioned in the blog title today. In 30 minutes, I'm driving up to the GYN office for that endometrial biopsy. I can feel my adrenalin already starting to pump from the fear of pain. Who likes pain? Not me! I actually had this biopsy twice before in my life. The first time was in my early 30s to see why it was taking so long to get pregnant the second time. I didn't know it was going to happen, so I had no time to think about it. The doctor just said he was going to do it. It HURT A LOT! I can't stress that enough, but the best part was that I didn't know what was coming, so there was no time to stress about it.

The second one was in my late 40s to rule out uterine cancer. It showed nothing, which was great news, but I did know it was coming because it was scheduled. Like today, I was very nervous because I remembered the time from my thirties. Then, it didn't actually hurt as much. I was amazed because I was prepared for much worse. Of course, it was a different doctor performing it, so that might have had something to do with it.

So today I don't know what to expect. It might be terrible like in my thirties, but it might be not so bad like in my forties. I hope that this doctor is skillful, quick, accurate, and keeps the pain to a minimum. It's scheduled for 9:20 a.m.

One thing I have now that I didn't have then is the internet. That is both good and bad. LOL! I have read all about the actual procedure, and it sounds easy for the doctor to do yet painful for the woman to endure. I did get one good tip, though. I am going to take both Tylenol and Motrin (actually, generic ibuprofen) an hour before the procedure to help minimize pain and cramping. I hope that helps. I actually have a huge bottle of oxycodone in the medicine cabinet left over from surgeries! Don't think I didn't considered taking them this morning! LOL!!

I'll let you know later how it went. Meanwhile, I'm still flying high on the three and a half pound weight loss and looking forward to another loss next Wednesday.


  1. I am on my way to chemo and saying a prayer for your endometrial biopsy. I hope it isn't bad this time. I hope that you have a great day today. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!

  2. Thanks, Rhonda. Good luck at your chemo. I get strength from you, knowing what you deal with in your life. And you always handle all your issues, health and otherwise, with quiet grace. I admire that. And then you still have time to reach out to me and others. You are an amazing woman.
