Saturday, March 31, 2012

Relaxing Day

What a nice day! We went to shul, where there was a bat mitzvah. The girl did very well, then we had a nice lunch. I behaved myself: half a bagel, small amount of cream cheese, onions, some tossed salad, a small scoop of tuna salad, and a small scoop of egg salad. Not bad. I'm right on the nose for my daily calories today. Mark also taught a class on the weekly Torah portion after the luncheon. This was the first time that he had done something like this here. The lady who usually does it is recovering from knee replacement surgery, and her usual substitute is out of town. Voila! Mark's turn. I thought he did a great job, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

When we got home, I had to go pick up my costume pieces for the Starliters show. It started to pour down the rain while I was out. Crazy! It didn't last long though. The rain was over by the time I drove home. Mark and I then took a long walk, a bit over two miles in 55 minutes. We were tired, but we had a nice time because the weather had cooled off nicely from the rainstorm.

Tonight we watched the Woody Allen movie, Midnight in Paris, and are now watching our weekly Disney movie, Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue, from 1954. Glynnis Johns was so young then! We ate the leftovers from Wednesday night's dinner and are just having a wonderful, peaceful time together. Life doesn't get better than this.

Tomorrow: Hollywood Studios, Epcot, a concert, and dinner out with Barb and Al. Oh, yeah! Tomorrow will be just as great as today.


  1. Did you like Midnight in Paris? Eric and I just watched it Friday night. I loved it.

  2. Yeah, we loved it, too. I had never heard of it, but it was on Dad's list because it got some nominations. I think it won for best original screenplay, or something like that. Good movie. Rob Roy was not as good. If anyone wants to watch an older Disney movie with Glynis Johns, the one before this, Sword and the Rose, was better, in my opinion.
