Tuesday, June 12, 2012

And now it's Tuesday...

Sometimes I get so busy that I don't even turn the computer on.  It's been like that since Friday.  Now there is just too much to talk about.  I think I am going to do one brief paragraph on each thing to keep the blog at a reasonable length!

First, the weight loss journey:  I reported in the last blog that Friday morning I was up two and a half pounds from the reported weight at the Wednesday Weigh-In.  I went from 247 to 249.5.  I blamed it on eating out and sodium. Saturday morning I was down to 248.3.  Saturday we went to shul where there was an unexpected luncheon including tuna salad and cholent. I took very small portions of those two items, one small piece of Gouda cheese, and a LOT of salad.  Saturday's calories came in at 1236, and there was a 25 minute walk, 25 minutes of swimming, and 25 minutes of weight lifting.  It was a great day.  I was rewarded by another .8 loss Sunday morning to reach 247.5, which made me very happy, but I'm still there Tuesday morning.  Sigh.  I think tomorrow will be higher than this because tonight we are using a coupon for a free pizza at NYPD Pizza for dinner.  Deliciousness with sodium, fat, and calories, HERE WE COME!

Second, the Star Wars Weekend:  Mark and I spent all day Sunday at Disney's Hollywood Studios for the very last day of the four weekends.  Our the door at 7 a.m. and back home at 9:30 p.m. after driving through a horrible thunderstorm.  Still, the event was a lot more fun than I expected.  In preparation, we watched all six movies in order the week before.  Even though we had never seen a single episode of the Cartoon Network series, "The Clone Wars," we still enjoyed seeing the guests who provide some of the voices for the show.  They were very entertaining in their sessions, and I think Mark now wants to watch that show.  I ate a grilled veggie sandwich and carrots (and some stolen fries from Mark's plate) for lunch and an Asian salad bowl (salad veggies, edamame, and some chow mein noodles) for dinner along with a sugar free strawberry parfait for dessert.  Not too bad.  I walked and walked all around the park, too.  Still, it didn't budge even one ounce off of my body. It's so hard to judge the calorie counts on food from restaurants that aren't online somewhere.  I estimated the grilled sandwich at 700 because it was obviously well greased!

Third, the busy Monday:  Yesterday I set a new personal record for distance and time on my morning fasting cardio. I have had a goal to walk all the way to the big lake by the golf course and back.  It's about a mile down there, a half mile around, and a mile back.  I didn't start off the morning expecting to do that, but it was nice out, so I just kept going. I did the 2.5 mile walk in 50 minutes. I was very excited about that!  The only regret I had was that I had not carried any water with me and that it was fasting.  I was pretty wasted when I got back.  Later I did my 25 minute weight routine, and in the evening I played 18 holes of mini golf, which included going up and down over 340 steps.  According to my Lose It! app, I burned up nearly 500 calories in exercise yesterday.  We had dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, where I tried very hard to keep things low.  I made a big veggie salad, with just a small amount of kidney beans, cheese, eggs, and croutons on it. I had a small amount of potato salad, half a little muffin, one bowl of low fat veggie soup, a few spoonfuls of split pea barley soup, half a cup of sugar free strawberry mousse, and about a quarter cup of soft serve ice cream. Compared to what my dinner companions ate, it was very little, and yet it added up to 1100 calories.  Geez!  Imagine the calorie count if I had what I really would have liked to eat (pizza, cheesey bread, several more bowls of soup, brownie, more ice cream, etc., etc.).  This morning I was still the same at 247.5, even though I had a lot of exercise and only 1500 total calories for the day.  Clearly my body does NOT want to give up another ounce.

Yesterday we also washed the plastic windows on the lanai.  That was harder than we thought but very necessary because when the sun shined we couldn't see out of them anymore!  The one hour project took two, but I'm sure it burned more calories.  I also played Mah Jongg and won two games.  It was a good day.  Today is a day for finishing up some projects around the house and some swimming before dinner at the pizza parlor.  Sodium, fat, calories, and deliciousness will be MINE at about 6:30 tonight!  And did I mention it's completely FREE with our coupon?

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