Monday, June 25, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby

All of Florida is going to be feeling her effects for the next few days.  It's stalled between two fronts and going nowhere.  I must say that I'm not unhappy that I don't have to go drive in it or walk around in it wearing a poncho. It will be pleasant to stay inside, safe and dry, all day.

It's not weigh-in Wednesday, that's coming soon, but I am still going to report on it.  We must surely have walked a lot more with Reuben than with Lowell and Emily.  In the four days that they were with us, I gained nearly 7 pounds.  I dropped a few on the one day between their visit and Reuben's.  Last Tuesday morning when Reuben arrived, I weighed 249.4.  I was happy because it was down from 252.8 or so last Sunday morning when Lowell and Emily left.  So this morning I am 247.6.  I was pretty happy about that.  In his six day visit, I LOST weight!  Wow!  I'm very happy about that.  We ate fantastic dinners five nights in a row and also five great lunches in a row.  But there was SO much walking!  Now for the next three days I will be eating most, if not all, of my meals at home in a controlled and low calorie environment before we start our trip north on Thursday.  I will have the opportunity to eat well and to eat out while we are gone on this trip.  Hopefully, I will lose, but I'll be happy if I maintain.

I hope everyone in Florida stays safe and dry all day.  Stay inside if possible because the tornado watch is still out there.


  1. I am super happy that you get to stay safe and warm inside too! Congrats to you also on your weight loss this week. It is always a bonus when you can eat yummy things and still lose!

    Learning To Live Again – My Weight Loss Journey

  2. You are so right! Thanks. I was delighted when I got on the scale this morning.
