Sunday, January 19, 2014

Making Carcass Soup

Today we have changed our plans. 

Originally, we were going to go up to Sea World, a place we have never been since we moved here. They finally have a deal we cannot pass up.  On weekends in January the deal is buy a one day Fun Spot ticket for $92 and get another ticket FREE.  So that's a two-for-one deal.  But WAIT!  There's MORE!  Only on weekends in January, if you each bring an empty Coca Cola product bottle, the card will be good ALL YEAR, no blackout dates.  WHAT?  An annual pass for two people for the price of a ONE DAY ticket?  That's ridiculous.  OKAY, we're IN!

The fine print is that we have to pay for parking ($15) each time we visit, but that's fine.  We really don't plan to go that often.  Still, it's such a sweet deal we couldn't say no.

So today was supposed to be the day because our calendar showed was open all day.  Unfortunately, we are both still sick.  I think I'm slowly improving, but Mark is slowly deteriorating.  We put the trip to Sea World off until next Sunday, which will be our last possible day to cash in on the deal.  Hopefully, we will both feel much better by then.

Now the plan is to stay home all day in our jammies and veg out in front of the TV.  Our DVR is 97% full, so it would be good to watch some of that stuff before he needs to record something else. LOL!

One problem with changing plans is changing Mark's menus for the week.  Since we were going out to Sea World today, he had planned for us to eat at our local Denny's on our way home.  They have been closed for remodeling, so we haven't been there in awhile.  They are also advertising a new salmon diner on the menu.  Well, now that we are staying home in PJs all day, we don't feel like getting dressed just to go out for dinner, and there wasn't anything else in his plans to substitute.

So. the new dinner plan is that I'm finally making Turkey Carcass soup.  My Thanksgiving turkey carcass and all the left over meat was still in the freezer.  I love making and eating turkey soup, so it will be a pleasure to work on that all day.  I don't even know if I have anything to put in it, but it will be full of whatever I find. I know I have some onion, celery, and carrots.  There's also some frozen corn and canned green beans.  There's also farro, quinoa, and brown rice in the pantry.  I have tons of spices to throw in, so I think that's enough to make an interesting soup. We will be eating turkey soup for dinner.  It was only 34 degrees outside at 7 a.m. when I cam out to the kitchen.  The grass looked frosty.  That's a perfect day for staying home and making turkey carcass soup. 

Yesterday we spent most of the day in our jammies, also. I had a terrible night Friday night with a LOT of coughing. My rib cage is sore from coughing so much the last two two nights, but we rallied around 5 p.m. and got dressed up in our cowboy/cowgirl finery and went square dancing.  I didn't know if I could do it without coughing all the time, but it was fun.  Our friends Donna and Alan had invited us to join one of the Solivita clubs for their square dancing event.  The place was PACKED, and we ran into a lot of other people we know.  The caller was very good. He made everything easy and taught it all as if no one had ever square danced before.  That was true for a lot of people in the group. There was one square of experts who gave a beautiful demonstration of some fancier steps.  They also seeded themselves around the room, and our square was lucky enough to have one of those couples.  Our square was Donna and Alan, me and Mark, the experienced couple, and two ladies.  I know one of the ladies from Guys and Dolls.  Our square was really good!  Mark and I both had a lot of fun and forgot about being sick for awhile.

I guess last night was a good example of my father's philosophy.  Only last night he would have said, "Get up and go to square dancing.  You'll feel better."

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