Friday, January 31, 2014

Wake up call

We've all had them, that moment when you realize something isn't working, that something has to change.

Tuesday night I got one of those.

I started the dance routine for one of my scenes in Starliters.  We danced for an hour, and I found out that I couldn't do it.  I couldn't move fast enough to fit the steps into the routine, and after an hour, I was hurting all over.  Everyone else was fine.  It was my weight and my lack of recent exercise.  There have been no more days of walking, swimming, and line dancing.  The strength and endurance leave one's body pretty quickly!

I went home and told Mark.  I really have tried harder since Wednesday morning.  I went to the gym and did my weights on Wednesday with Mark, after the rehearsal.  It was the first time I had gone with him to do weights since early December, I think.  I lowered all the weights significantly and did only two sets of 10 reps.  Yesterday after rehearsal, I went to the indoor track and walked 53 minutes, two and a half miles.  It felt good, actually.  I also stayed on my food plan a lot closer.  I admit that I didn't log them in anywhere, but I sort of added them up in my head.  I didn't stay as low as I should have, but it wasn't bad.  I was under 2,000 calories each day, which I haven't done for awhile.

My reward?  I'm down four pounds since Monday morning.  I'm sure there was a lot of water weight in there, but it was still very rewarding to see the scale say 240.4 this morning.

Now come the challenges.  Today I'm eating lunch out because we have chores and errands to run. Tonight we are going out to Shabbat dinner at the home of some new friends.  Tomorrow night I am going to a banquet for Jewish women in the Orlando area at the Rosen Center.  There's going to be a huge Broadway revue show with professional singers and dancers, which should be excellent.  Sunday we are going to the Magic Kingdom, so we will be eating lunch there.  Then I will weigh in on Monday. 

I hope two things, as always.  First, I hope that all the walking on Sunday will mitigate lunch out.  I also hope to take a walk today if it stops raining and gets warm enough.  I won't have time to go to the indoor track.  Second, I hope that I can control my portions at the dinner tonight and tomorrow.  Well, tomorrow isn't an issue because it's a plated banquet.  I'll eat the sea bass that comes to me, but I'll stay away from the bar!  Tonight, my friend is making salmon, but I don't know what else she will have.  We are bringing my favorite wine and challahs.  I have been known to eat A LOT of challah!  Who doesn't love challah?  The ones from BJs are really good, so we are buying them today to take fresh tonight.  Yum. 

I have had wake up calls before, some pretty spectacular ones.  I don't have time this morning to write about them, but I can tell you that I have ignored some of those.  I should have paid more attention back then.  I just hope that Tuesday night's wake up call can stay in my head.  I want to lose this weight, again.  It's not the first time I've lost it, for sure!  I just want it gone again, but sometimes it doesn't seem like I want to lose it MORE than I want to eat something.  I know that's a form of eating disorder. I've talked about that many times in this blog.  This is a lifelong struggle, and so far the weight and the eating disorder have been winning. Since my life is already pretty long at this point, I don't have forever to get it done anymore.  LOL!  I want to live AT LEAST 20 more years and have the health and strength to continue to travel and use my DVC points.  I'd love to see my grandchildren someday and be healthy enough to visit and play with them.  There is a lot to look forward to in life, so you'd think that would be enough incentive.  We shall see.

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