I did make it to the Shabbat dinner in the succah last night. It was lovely, and I did not feel that I overate. There was challah, salad, chicken breast baked with canned onion rings as a topping, broccoli, carrots, and sweet noodle kugel. I ate only what they put on my plate. I took no desserts and no seconds. That's as good as it gets! Well, in all honesty, I did eat most of Mark's kugel because he was afraid it tasted too sweet for him. For that, I am down a half pound today. LOL! Not much, but I'm still holding out hope that there might be two pounds gone by Monday. There are still two more days. Without exercising, I think I'm just holding steady on 1400 calories a day.
My back was terrible when I got up yesterday and even more terrible today. I didn't baby it yesterday. I did not take any muscle relaxants. I drove the car to the xray place and to the synagogue. I sat on a picnic table for dinner in the succah, which definitely started to hurt after awhile. This morning I feel in as much pain as I did on Wednesday when I went to the doctor.
Before I went for the xray, I began to get a new sense of panic about this back pain. Breast cancer can return at any time, and returning in bone is a common place, along with chest wall, original breast area, and lungs. What if this is not a muscle, not a disc, but cancer in the bones of the spine. YIKES. I spent way too much time yesterday trying to google that. I learned that it is common. OKAY. I knew that already. Now I will just have to keep dealing with it until I get the xray results the middle of next week. If it doesn't show anything and the pain doesn't improve, I have my six month check up with the medical oncologist scheduled for November 5, just about three and a half weeks away. If the pain has not gone away, I will be asking her for more tests. There could be an MRI or a Pet Scan to look for bone mets. UGH. That would NOT make me happy! LOL!
Now to the Orioles! They have had an awesome season this year. They won their American League East division by a large margin. Then they skunked their competition, Detroit, in three games straight to move on to the American League Championship games. Last night they played the first game, against Kansas City. It was such a nail-biter. They came from behind, tied it up, and lost it by one in the tenth inning. Heartbreaking, but what a game to watch! I was happy that Mark and I were watching it at home, with the comfort of a heating pad on a soft chair. Fans in Baltimore were in a cold rain! The stadium was PACKED, and very few people left early. The game didn't end until about 1 in the morning. Crazy. Today at 4 p.m. is the second game. Go Os! You need to get a win today before you head to Kansas City. Looking forward to that game today.
Meanwhile, I'm up, showered, dressed, and ready to go to the synagogue with Mark. He's reading haftarah today. My back feels bad, but I'm about to take 800 mg of ibuprofen after I finish this blog. That will definitely help. Also, tonight, Mark and I plan to sleep in the spare room on the new bed in there. If I wake up better tomorrow morning on that new mattress, then that will definitely show some of this problem is the old bed. I don't want to spend the money on a new one for us right now, but I will if sleeping on a better one has anything to do with this.
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