The thing about trying to lose weight is that you must slowly starve your body. There is no other way. It's possible to fool your stomach and brain for some of the time by eating a lot of salads and drinking a lot of water and other no-calorie liquids, but eventually, your body catches on and says "I'm starving."
That was me yesterday. When I'm starving, I get cranky. I bet I'm not alone!
Because it was Shabbat and dinner was going to be great but high calorie, I ate only about 300 calories the rest of the day. Yikes. I was hungry and cranky all day. I am also still the same weight this morning, 267.5, so I will take that as a good thing. It's not fun being cranky and hungry up until 7 p.m. when dinner finally is eaten.
Today could look very similar. We are having friends Bill and Jeff over for dinner. It's been about a year since they were here. Recently, they took their first cruise, and it was on the Disney Dream, which we sailed on last January. We are excited to talk about their impressions and all the fun they had!
For dinner, Mark cooked a Chicken with Rice and Mole in the crockpot yesterday from Diabetic Living. We are also serving fresh spinach wilted in a little oil and garlic as well as a big salad. For appetizers there will be hummus with fresh veggies and chips for dipping. For dessert there are several types of pareve cookies. I'm sure some alcohol will be served! They like to drink.
So...I am trying to program in these calories and figure out what is left for lunch. I've already eaten my usual 200 calorie breakfast, so at least right now I'm not starving! So far, if I take the right amount of the main dish (3 ounces of the chicken over 1/3 cup of rice with `1/3 cup of sauce over it all), I will get 286 calories. If I eat 2 T of hummus with some veggies and no chips, as well as a reasonable portion of salad and spinach, it will come to 465 calories before dessert and alcohol. That's actually not too bad. The problem is that, unlike when we eat alone, Mark is not preparing my plate and measuring things out. We are serving it family style at the table. I'm not good with that. I regularly take too much. I should probably put down that I'm going to eat two servings and call it 572 calories from the get-go!
Last time we had company, we served similar cookies for dessert. I planned in my head how many to eat, and then I ate four or five times as many. LOL! Of course, that night I wasn't logging things in and trying to make healthy choices. Maybe today I'll do better. I could always say no to the dessert and the alcohol. That would actually be a good choice.
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