Sunday, January 11, 2015

Didn't quite make my mark yesterday.

I must confess that I did not stick to my dinner plan last night.  I did take a 30 minute walk in the afternoon, which helped a bit, but I had way too many cookies for dessert and about 8 ounces of Reisling, which I did not plan for at all.  After drinking the planned whiskey and the unplanned wine, I wasn't entirely able to keep my hand out of the cookie plate!

Anyway, we had a wonderful time with our guests, and I am not up any extra weight this morning because of it. It just means I need to work a little harder at making those healthy choices at special occasions.

Today we are going to Old Key West for one night and will have dinner at their restaurant, Olivia's.  We have been there for lunch several times, but this will be our first experience at dinner.  As long as I do what I did earlier this week at The Turf Club, say no to bread and alcohol, I should be fine. Breakfast and lunch will be at home.  Then on Monday breakfast will be my usual, in the room.  Lunch will be at The Liberty Tree Tavern in Magic Kingdom. I'm not sure how that will go, but I'll do my best.  We have never been there.  Dinner will be at Denny's, which is always good.

I am not taking my computer or scale, so there will be no Monday morning weigh in until Tuesday morning.  I'll write a blog and post pictures on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, let me brag about Evey for a minute.  Any of you who read my Facebook pages already read this.  She called Friday night to tell us she is going to take a new job. She will be a Dietetic Assistant at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.  Although the position is still part time, it will have benefits.  She doesn't need the health, dental, and vision insurances since she has those through her husband's work, but she will appreciate some sick and annual leaves.  She won't be making much more money, but there is some potential over a few years to go up a little more.  She will be working every other weekend and possibly some really early hours or later hours.  She is okay with all of that because she is excited to work in the field of nutrition, which is what her master's degree is in.  The supervisor who interviewed her was thrilled to get someone with her experience and degree, so in about five weeks she will be working at the hospital.  It's also a county position, so once she's a Santa Clara County employee, other opportunities within the county system will be more easily open for her.

Congratulations, Evey!  Dad and I are very proud of you. 

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