Solivita's ballroom has been shut down for about three or four months for a big refurbishment. Today it reopens and is open for visits. Mark and I plan to go up around 11 this morning and check it out. In addition to some cosmetic changes that I guess they made like paint or carpeting, they have installed a permanent bar for events instead of the temporary one they kept setting up. Also they put up new stage curtains, reconfigured the stage to make it a little bigger and squared off instead of rounded (I think I read that, so I'll see if I'm right), a new sound system, and some better backstage facilities that I'm hoping includes bathrooms. Originally, there were no bathrooms, so performers had to go through part of the house and then into the kitchen area to head to the public bathrooms that the audience used. A lot of big name performers refused to come here because of that. It was also tough for our own Guys and Dolls and theater performers. I am really hoping to find at least small bathrooms back there today. I think they are showing us a video today about Solivita to show off the sound and also giving free refreshments. Should be a fun thing to do.
In the afternoon, there will be Mah Jongg at my neighbor's house. It's probably going to be raining by then, so I'll take an umbrella! It's already gray outside. A lot of rain is predicted, again. We got a big rainstorm yesterday and also Saturday night with loud thunder, lightening, and high winds, but yesterday it only lasted a little while, not even an hour. The coastal areas are getting far more rain.
Meanwhile that pelvic pain was terrible when I got up this morning. After breakfast I took my usual 4 Advils, which definitely takes the edge off the pain. Just walking through the house was hard this morning. Wow. Although I fear what he will find, I'm still eager to get to the doctor tomorrow to get the process started. I was reading up on ovarian cysts yesterday. Nothing about them is good either. I am now kicking myself for not following my doctor's directions. Four years ago, a small cyst on the left ovary showed up and the uterine lining was too thick. He did a uterine biopsy and nothing bad showed. He said come back in a year, but I waited two years. At that point the uterine lining was not thick at all, and the cyst was there but only slightly bigger. He said come back in five months and have the cyst checked again. THAT'S where I screwed up. I did not go back in May of 2014 as I was supposed to. Now it's 15 months past that date and this cyst is definitely big and causing pressure and pain. I will be shocked if it doesn't turn up to be much bigger. I also read that ovarian cysts in younger women are pretty common, come and go with the hormonal cycle, nothing to worry too much about. Cysts in post-menopausal women are a much bigger problem that do not resolve themselves and can often turn cancerous. WHY did I not bother to read THAT little bit information in the spring of 2014 and GO back in for that check up???? Well, if this cyst is monstrous, needs surgery, and/or has turned cancerous, I have no one to blame but myself. I can only hope that a complete hysterectomy would be immediately ordered and take care of the entire problem. Tomorrow at 3 p.m. the process will be started. I would like to stay positive that this is a benign cyst right up until I learn otherwise. I still am talking to no one about this except Mark and the blog, so I realize there are people reading this, but I don't want to discuss it with anyone other than Mark until there is something to actually discuss. So far it's just my own pain and my own speculations.
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