Yesterday was a lovely day right up until we screwed up.
We kind of overslept, so it was a rush in the morning to get ready to head out to shul. We also had to pack a lunch in a cooler to eat after shul because we drove from the synagogue over to the AMC theaters at Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney) to see a Live from the Met opera production of Otello. It will never be my favorite opera or favorite production of this opera. Too gray, too static, too expressionless. Then we drove home, sat on the lanai listening to Last of the Mohicans for about 90 minutes (the book talk on it is tomorrow), made dinner, ate dinner, put on our PJs, watched this week's Disney movie, The Watcher in the Woods.
Sounds like a great day, right?
Yes, it was, right up until we got a phone call from our friend Marian wondering why we were not at the Wine Pairing dinner party to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Yeah, we sent $50 each to the lady who runs this event every year in order to attend a multi-course dinner with wine pairings and a silent auction. We have gone twice before, but last year Mark got sick so we had to cancel at the last minute. This year, I didn't put it on our calendar, so we simply forgot about it.
It's even WORSE than that because Marian and I actually talked about it at shul yesterday, planning what costumes we were going to wear and how hard the parking was going to be. We were supposed to sit with her and her husband because the four of us wouldn't eat meat. The group always makes vegetarian versions of the courses that include meat, just for the four of us. UGH. Then we forgot to show up.
Then it gets even WORSE! I looked at the tickets to verify the date and found them stamped with $60 as the price. So not only did we not show up, we didn't even send in the right amount of money to start with. OY!
I immediately wrote the lady an apology email and a check for the missing $20 plus another $10 for being screw ups. It will be in the mail with another apology letter tomorrow morning. I only hope she will keep us on the list for next year.
Sometimes we just screw up!
Today Mark is making a bunch of pizza crust dough this morning before we head over to the Epcot Food and Wine Festival for our first time this year to eat lunch at a few of the kiosks. We will also get our Annual Passholder passport, which, if we get it stamped three times, we get a free festival wine glass. Oh, yeah, who doesn't like a free wine glass!
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