Friday, October 16, 2015

Working 9-5.

Well, I didn't actually WORK today from 9-5, but I was at the Cove doing STUFF from 9-5.  My friend Donna picked me up at 8:45 to drive us over for a little hour long rehearsal at another friend's house in the Cove. Then at 10, we drove over to the pool, where I swam some laps and then did 45 minutes of water aerobics.  Mark was there by then with my towels.  At noon we had lunch at Cheeks, and then we did our three hour shift in the library until 4.  By then, we were both just so sleepy, that we stretched out on chaise lounges and napped until 5 before heading home.  Yeah, it was better than work!

I didn't even write a blog yesterday, which I only just realized today, because it was also such a busy day.  I hosted my Thursday morning Mah Jongg group from 9:30 to noon.  Then Mark and I tried to catch up on as much TV as possible from the week we were gone before having a quick dinner and going to a wine tasting party at Donna's house, same Donna from this morning.  It was so much fun to taste five red zins, including a home made one.  The wine was good, but the company and socializing were even better!

As we drove home today, Mark and I marveled at how nice it is to have so many friends now and all in very close proximity to our house!  In MD we had very few friends who lived less than half an hour away from us.  Some were in Greenbelt, so that was only 20-25 minutes, but sometimes, when the BW Parkway was backed up or it was rush hour, even driving that 10 mile distance took 45 minutes.  Now, all of our friends are either in Solivita, so no more than 1-3 miles or less, 5-10 minutes or less, away, or they are in Cypress Cove, a short, easy 6 mile drive away.  It takes from 15-20 minutes TOPS at any time of day to get there.  We love it.  We never missed that in MD because we didn't know we could have something like that.  Now we just marvel over it every single time! 

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