Friday, June 29, 2018

Some hot and stormy days in Florid

It's summer, which means storms.  Every day there has been a big thunderstorm. One of those days, the lightening was so close and the thunder so loud, not to mention simultaneous with the lightening, that we screamed and ran inside from the lanai.  I like being on the lanai in storms, but not that time!

Today I weighed 274.6 this morning.  The last time I logged my weight into the Lose It! program was last Friday.  That weight was 279, so in the week from last Friday to today, I lose 4.4 pounds. I am happy with that.  I was trying hard all week.  I logged in all my foods and did water aerobics three days in a row, Monday through Wednesday.  I'm going back to water aerobics this morning, too. (Thursdays I play Mah Jongg in the morning, and I won two games yesterday.)

This upcoming week will be more challenging because we will be at Universal Studios for lunch and possibly dinner on Sunday.  We are eating out Tuesday for dinner with Bob and Jane to talk about NARFE stuff.  Then Wednesday we are going out to dinner on the Fourth of July with some friends to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So that's three or four meals in restaurants this week.  I'm not great in restaurants, but I'll try.  The best I thing I can hope for is not to gain next week.

So for awhile, Friday will be my weight report day.  I'm really trying again, so I should get back to using the blog to help support me.

Eventually Tuesdays will become my reporting day because Solivita is starting a TOPS group that meets Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. TOPS stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly.  It's much cheaper than Weight Watchers, so I'm planning to join it.  I can't start this Tuesday morning, but I can start the week after that.  They don't have their own diet plan, which I like.  I have so much trouble making Mark's Diabetic Living recipes fit into the WW point system.  I just can't do it, plus they have gotten pretty darn expensive over the years.  I'm hoping that by going to meetings but using my own diet plan on Lose It! and Diabetic Living recipes, I can stay on track and get all this weight off once again.

I also am going to try much harder to write this blog regularly again even if I can't post any pictures anymore.  You'll have to be my friend on Facebook to see pictures from now on.

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