Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.

Mark and I are having a very lazy Christmas/Day Five of Hanukkah so far. He almost NEVER sleeps in, but he did not set the alarm. I got up about 9:15, but he didn't crawl out of bed until 11:40 a.m. Ha ha! That's SO not like Mark. I figured he must have really needed the sleep.

Last night, I opened this absolutely gorgeous necklace from Lowell and Emily. They got it at a store called Fire and Ice. I am overewhelmed. Plus the chain length is perfect for me. I may wear it all the time now! Thanks, Lowell and Emily! I adore it

We are watching the Disney Christmas parade, which in the Orlando area didn't come on until noon. So, he made us low-carb pancakes and scrambled eggs for lunch, and we are enjoying the two parades, broadcast from CA and FL until 2 p.m. We plan to shower and get dressed after that, and then watch a Disney movie, Melody Time, before going to our local Chinese restaurant for dinner. We gave them a try in August of 2010 and were not impressed, but they are under new management now and just so close that we can't resist giving them another try. I guess I'll let you know how it turns out.

We get to light six candles tonight and have some more presents. That's going to be fun. Hanukkah has been bittersweet without any family to share it in person, but we've made the most of it anyway with just ourselves. Our kids have kept in touch with emails and phone calls, so that's been nice. Evey and Eric had a great time this morning at Eric's family home. They both opened a lot more presents and are having a big dinner tonight with extended family. Lowell is spending the day at Emily's parents' house. They are probably having their big noon day meal right about now while I'm typing. I hope they are both having a great time! I'm happy for them both that they have these families to embrace them and make them feel at home. My love and thanks go to the Gaertner and Stackhouse families for that.

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