Friday, August 25, 2017

Oh, that naughty sodium!

I was 276.7 on Wednesday, and this morning I am up FOUR pounds.  Yes, I just love my body.  NOT!

I had 1348 calories on Wednesday and 1178 on Thursday, so I  knew it wasn't actual fat.  Each pound on the body is 3600 extra calories.  That just did not happen, so that leaves only water retention.  Since I'm no longer on the Prednisone, I couldn't blame that.  What else could it be?  Of course, it's the sodium.

My Lose It! app will track the sodium in milligrams if the food programmed has it listed in the contents.  Not every thing I eat includes that, especially a recipe Mark might have without that or I don't bother to look it up and record it; however, that was not the case with these two days.  Every item was taken from a barcode and included the sodium.  That's how I know I had WAY TOO much sodium yesterday, over 6,000 mg, which is far over twice what a woman should have in one day.  Mostly it was from the two cups of no-chicken chicken bouillon that I drank as an afternoon snack.

So, yeah, mystery solved.  Although even I am surprised that I held on to four  pounds of liquid.  In fact, I weighed at bedtime and in the morning. I gained most of those four pounds while I was asleep.  LOL!

Today, because it's Shabbat and Mark bought raisin challah (one of my favorite foods, which I'm desperately hoping I can eat tonight), my calories will be more like 1500 for the day. Not every food has a sodium count attached to it today, either, but I think the total sodium for today will be far less than yesterday.  It should be around 2,000 for the day, which is within acceptable daily limits.

Tomorrow I bet these four pounds are gone!

Now off to the nail salon!

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