Monday, November 30, 2009

No one to be mad at but myself

I weighed myself last Sunday before we left for our trip to Orlando. I weighed myself this morning now that we are home. There really is no one to be mad at but myself. I'm the one that ate...and ate...and ate. I gained three pounds on this trip despite all the walking I did. It's so easy to convince yourself that the walking will take care of the eating, but that is really not always the case. I don't have to write this number down since only Tuesday morning weigh-ins are official in my journal, but I did not like seeing that number. Also it's mildly amusing to note that the same number which can make you so happy on the way down can make you so mad when they are coming back on the way up. I was 219.7 last Sunday and 221.9 this morning. I was extremely excited when I hit 222 because it represented a 100 pound loss. Now it represents a 2.7 pound gain for the week. Well, I need to get back on track today. Tomorrow morning it counts! Unfortunately, last Tuesday was a great number, 218.7, although what the scale said in the hotel bathroom is suspicious. I had a hard time getting the same number twice; still that's the number I wrote in the journal. Now, I have to hope for a miracle to drop nearly four pounds by tomorrow morning, or this week will go down as a gain. There have not been too many weeks that went down as gains, but it won't be the first. It means I have to regain the focus. I need to find my motivation again and get back to the new habits I'm trying to build. There really is no one to be mad at but myself.

Another challenge is that today I am going to eat lunch out with two dear friends. I let them pick the restaurant. It should be a great one, and it will be tempting to overeat. At least they both know I'm dieting, so that should keep me honest!

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