Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Big Day

I weighed in this morning, and it's acceptable. I weigh 218, not the lowest ever obviously, but five down from that horrible 223 just a few days ago. Eating right, drinking more water, and exercising took care of that. I am not taking my scale with me, so I'll be back next Monday night and weigh in next Tuesday morning. Haven't done that in awhile.

I have my 9:10 a.m. appointment with the surgeon, then the next time I see him will be in the OR. I am a bit apprehensive because the two of us will be making the final decision today about what type of surgery. My plan is to walk in and say lumpectomy with radiation. Officially it is a re-excision lumpectomy since the lump is actually already gone. I don't expect the committee I met last week to give him any news that they didn't give me, so I expect that to be the plan. Still I'm nervous because it seems so final, so definite, so real.

Then we are going to try to find someplace to take a half hour or more walk, a quick lunch at Subway, and a flight to Florida. Tonight I will sleep in my own bed in my own house in Poinciana. That is HUGE! I drove up the coast, quite depressed last weekend, thinking it would be months before I could go back. This bonus week to spend down there is such a blessing!

I want to thank all the people who have posted comments on this blog. It's like a little present to me every time I check back and find a comment. I can't tell you how uplifting that is. I also have enjoyed the many emails that people send me with good wishes, comments about the blog, and cheery news about their own lives. It's not good for me to dwell only on my situation all the time. I really need the distraction of other people's news. I'm loving my Facebook page and all the comments that show up there as well. Facebook is an excellent source of distraction! LOL

I am shutting down my computer this morning in a few minutes at 7:05 a.m. here in my sister's house in Baltimore and will bring it back up tonight before bedtime in my own house in Poinciana. Can't wait to see what comments show up on the blog, Facebook, or in my emails. Keep them coming! I love you all. Having cancer really does make you realize what is important to you. The new house is great, but it's really not the house, not the furniture, no single THING, only good friends and love.


  1. Hope your trip back to your new home was great and that you have a relaxing time there. We love you and are pulling for you 120%!

    Saul and Phyllis, chillin' in Rehoboth

  2. As you read this comment I think you will understand what I'm saying--I'm happy you're back home in Florida. It really is just an email away. And your support is right here at our fingertips. Excitement is building for going back to school. I went in today to work for a couple of hours. Thursday is my official first day. I can't believe that summer's almost over! Must finish cleaning my house tomorrow!
    P.S. Stay focused on the weight loss. Great start with 5 pounds.

  3. Evan leaves for Florida tomorrow. WOOHOO!! I hope I get back to eating right, exercising more, and worrying less.

    Great that you have such a wonderful supportive husband!

  4. I'm so impressed with your decision making ability... make a decision, stick to it, and move on! Hope you get some well deserved R & R in your new abode tonight. Off to Israeli dancing.

