Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Great Day

I did indeed stay up all night, hyped up on the Decadron steroids. I watched a great special on extreme couponing as well as many, many episodes of House Hunters, also an infomercial on the Oreck Vacuum cleaner. I dozed off around 5 to 5:30, then woke up and put the news on. At 8 a.m. I went to bed and got back up at 11 a.m., but those three hours were plenty to sustain me for a busy day.

Yesterday my turn signal went out, so we took the car to Jiffy Lube in Pikesville. They easily fixed the signal, changed the oil, and also changed the power steering fluid. We went to the kosher Subway for lunch, but when we came out the oil light was on. Since it was just down the street from Jiffy Lube, it was easy to head back. They discovered that the oil filter they had just installed was defective and oil had leaked out already. It was a quick, no charge fix, and we were on our way to Seven Mile Market for some shopping. We gassed the car up, then headed to the cancer center for my neulasta shot. That went well, but the shot costs about $4300. The nurse told me to hold the syringe of neulasta and warm it up while she finished up something else. As I sat holding it, I realized that shot in my hand cost more than my first new car back in 1972, which cost about $3,000. I'm not sure I ever held something worth over 4k in one hand before. Surreal feeling. Then she shot it into my arm and now I'm worth over 4k. LOL!! Thank God for good health insurance.

After the shot, we drove home to meet Lowell for dinner and TV. Awesome, like always.

I have felt so good for so many days now that it's starting to get scary. My last Flagyl pill is at 3:30 in the morning. I really, really, REALLY hope the C diff is gone. I guess I'll know in a few days. If it's not gone, I have another prescription in my purse ready to go.

Tomorrow: Mah Jong!! See some of you there.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to pray that you stay feeling well today. I am glad that you had a good day yesterday. I am glad that you have another flagyl prescription in your purse just in case. I watched that same special on extreme couponing a couple of days ago. Wasn't that amazing. Some people had about $600 worth of groceries and cut it down to about $10 to $20 final cost. I don't think I could ever do the dumpster diving that some of them did to get their coupons. I hope that Mah jong is fun today. If you have never looked at the site spark you might enjoy it. It is a motivational/weightloss site where you can find info and track food, exercise and other goals for free. I am going to start tracking my food on there. I have my food written down from yesterday. Thank you for the encouragement you gave me by talking freely about your own challenges with food.

    Have a fun time playing Mahjong today.
