Saturday, December 4, 2010

Side Effects of Taxol

Yesterday the good times came to an end. I still don't know why I had such high energy on Thursday, but I'm guessing that it was the first day in months that I had no particular other side effects happening, so I just felt normal. Normal was so weird that I was just on a high energy ride! Well, that's over.

Around lunch time yesterday I started to notice my hips were aching. At first I didn't give it a thought. Stray aches and pains just happen when you're 60 anyway. An hour later I realized my knees were stiff and throbbing, and the hips were worse. Soon my right shoulder joined in. The lower back started throbbing around dinner time. YUP! That's Taxol. It causes arthritic aches and pains in the joints and muscle aches, too. YUP! I got it. I was hoping the Celebrex would keep this from happening, but now I am hoping the Celebrex keeps it only at the current level. I can't imagine how this would feel if I wasn't taking it. I'm only taking it through Monday, and then I can use Advil. I hope it doesn't get worse. It's pretty annoying right now, especially since it's unremitting and unrelated to moving or what position I'm in. It's just all the time at the same level. It's not intolerable though. Hopefully it will not get worse, but if it does, I'm allowed to get a prescription for Percocet. I really don't want to think that this would be so bad that I would need narcotics to deal with it. That would NOT make me happy!

Another common side effect of Taxol is darkened spots on the fingernails, ridges, or even losing the entire fingernail. This can also be quite painful, according to some other BC women who have had it. I noticed two of my fingers do have small dark spots on them. I can only guess that this might progress more, too. I could also get neuropathy in my hands and feet. That hasn't happened yet, but now I'm watching for it since I do seem to have the other two problems. Hm...I may have to re-evaluate whether this is better than the fatigue and low-level nausea of the A/C drug cocktail!

On a happier note, I got a wonderful surprise yesterday. I heard a knock on the door, and there was a delivery for me of a beautiful and delicious Edible Bouquet. I took it in and read the card. I was so impressed! Lowell's girlfriend, Emily, sent it with a beautifully worded thank you note for having her over for dinner and presents Thursday night. Wow! That's classy. I immediately had to call Lowell to get her address so I could send a proper thank you card. I wrote it, and 2 others that I had been meaning to get around to, and walked them to the mailbox. The mailbox is just two blocks from the house. I barely made it down and back. By then my hips and knees were hurting pretty badly, so it was a tough slog to do those four blocks. My legs felt like heavy cinder blocks that I was barely able to drag along. It was an uncomfortable walk. Sad. Sigh. Still I'm very impressed with Emily. She is pretty and she has good manners. Lowell is lucky.


  1. I am sorry that you are having pain today. I hope that it gets more tolerable soon. Sometimes the decadron that you got with your Taxol can make people feel like they have lots of energy. That could have been the reason for the high energy level yesterday. I wish that that side effect would have stayed with you though. Congratulations on doing the 4 block walk even though it was hard yesterday. I hope that you decide to try the Percocet if your pain gets too bad even though you don't like the idea of it. I will be thinking of you and hope that today is a less painful day than yesterday.

    I am glad that your son seems to have a great girlfriend. An edible bouquet is such an excellent present.

  2. I did have that decadron IV, so I bet that was why I was so pumped up. My whole family was commenting on how I was whizzing around and acting all hyper. I think they found it amusing.

    Do you know if anyone has abdominal cramping with Taxol? I expected joint and muscle pain, but I'm also having cramps in the abdomen that are sort of reminiscent of menstrual cramps. Of course, I haven't had those in over six years, but it's just another odd sensation I'm having today.

    I won't be too proud to call for Percocet if things get unbearable. I'm hoping that it won't be necessary, but when the five days of Celebrex are up and I'm uncomfortable, I'll call the doctor. She said I could use the ones left from my surgeries, but I think I already told everyone I had the idea to throw them out! I regret that decision now!

  3. Another trip to the dark side. Sorry to hear that your joints are complaining. Glad you're not going stoic. Take the pain meds when needed!

  4. So far I'm only using the twice daily Celebrex. That will last through Monday, then I'll see how it is. I did a lot more reading today online about Taxol side effects. Many women have the abdominal pain that I'm having. Many women have this pain starting on day 3 after the infusion, just like I did. Many said it was better after day five or six, so I'm trying to hang in there until then. I also have found that if I lie on the bed or couch, it feels better. Maybe something about distributing the weight differently so there's not so much pressure on the hips? I don't know, but my usual chair in the living room does not feel good today, so I lay on the couch a lot. I never even got dressed today, but my soft bathrobe was cozy all day.

  5. Wow Becky I don't remember anything about abdominal cramps when I had Taxotere. I am so sorry that you have to put up with that. Have you tried a heating pad to your abdomen? I sure hope that tomorrow is a better day for you and that you can get a good night sleep tonight. I am glad that you will be willing to call for Percocet if you need it.I am not sure about the laws in Maryland, but I know that in Iowa where I live you would have to go physically pick up a prescription for Percocet from the dr if you need it as it is too high schedule for the dr to call in to the pharmacy. You are still in my prayers. Take care of yourself.

  6. Another lessen in humility for me. Thinking of you and wishing you well.
