So many changes going on in my life right now. This evening I just got hard reminders of two big changes coming up. First, the mail came with my official notice from the school system that I am resigning my position as of February 27, 2010. That's a good thing, right? I have planned for this for years, and I applied for it. They are just acknowledging receipt of my wishes and thanking me for my service. Still, holding that official looking letter in that official looking envelope made it seem very concrete. Second, I have officially quit singing with the Central Maryland Chorale. That's a sad thing. I only just joined the group two and a half years ago, on the encouragement of a good friend from the synagogue. I LOVED it. It was a few hours every Monday night when I could sing my little heart out. I didn't have to be the director anymore. I could just be the singer, and I had the opportunity to work with an amazing, talented director from whom I learned a lot. Well, the surgery is Nov. 2 and the concert, Mendelssohn's Elijah, is Nov. 21. Not really going to work out for me this semester. I sent the director an email with my decision and got a really lovely response from her. I thanked her, and that's it. I'm done. I feel a little teary-eyed about both events right now. Many other changes are in the wind. Here's a little list with no commentary:
--preparing for the surgery on Nov. 2
--quitting directing the Mishkan Torah choir after nearly 11 years
--losing weight and finding an entirely new body
--going on the longest vacation EVER, 42 days, beginning March 2, 2010
--performing a big vocal show with my husband at the synagogue on January 30, 2010
--my daughter graduating Northeastern University at the end of April, 2010
--painting, renovating, cleaning nearly 29 years of stuff out of the house
--putting the house up for sale
--moving to Florida
Any one of these big life changes could trigger depression and overeating. I am trying very hard not to allow that to happen. I'm trying very hard to stay positive and upbeat and look at the good side of every change. Wish me luck.
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