Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yes, he did!!

Somehow I just KNEW that after I went to work today, my husband would hide the bathroom scale. Yes, he did hide the scale. He had been bringing the scale out Monday nights so that I could check Tuesday morning. Then he would hide it after I went to work on Tuesday. This is because I asked him to do it when I started this journey back in January. I know myself, and I have learned that I will hop on and off that scale 10 times every morning and worry about it all day. Weight Watchers always says to weigh only once a week, so I have been doing that. It's probably a good thing. Lately, he was lax at hiding it, so this week, I've been back to my old tricks and hopping on and off 10 times every morning. That's all well and good as long as I get a lower number every day. Saturday I hit 222, so I announced that I was down 100 pounds. Whoee! Sunday I was 221, so I told people at work that I was down 101 pounds. Double Whoeee!! Then Tuesday I was 222 again and this morning I was 224. AAAGGGHHH!! I pushed the scale around the floor and managed to make it go up to 225 then 226 before I found the exact spot to make it say 224 again. AAGGGHHH!! My old habits are sooooo hard to break. Then I whined to my husband about gaining weight even though my calories are perfect and life is SO UNFAIR!! Whine, whine, whine. So I knew he was going to hide that scale today. Yes, he did. He's also right. I had eaten a frozen Lean Cuisine dinner last night, probably full of sodium. I had eaten more parmesan cheese than I expected (so I didn't eat the banana and popsicles that I had planned to eat), but the cheese has salt as the second ingredient. It's probably just water retention and the extra pounds will be gone soon, but he knows what I'm like. He knows how I can get. So he hid the scale. Yes, he did. And that's only one of the many reasons I love this man so much! Thanks, Mark, for hiding the scale today.


  1. Well it was either hide the scale or offer you cheese to go with your whine and that would have made the problem worse.

    Everyody who is trying to lose weight should check out the Wednesday, October 28, 2008 Born Loser comic strip at Just make sure you have the correct date.

  2. i weight in every morning...i think you're idea of once a week is better. Not sure if I can stop the habit though. You are really amazing at how diligent you are being - keep it up!!!
