Thursday, March 29, 2018

Big, Big DAY!

We had our two tech/dress rehearsals at Lakeside Tuesday and Wednesday for the big Cove Singers show tonight.  The show is sold out!  The rehearsal yesterday was really great, so as long as we keep it together tonight, I'm expecting a great show.

Meanwhile, tomorrow night is the first Passover seder, and I am very busy today cleaning and getting everything out and ready.  I got a big head start by cleaning out the fridge and freezer on Tuesday.  All the shopping was finished as of yesterday, so I feel pretty good about how the day is going.

I was so busy yesterday running out at 9 a.m. for the rehearsal that I didn't weigh myself at all. This morning I got on and was pleasantly surprised with a 271 even.  All this rehearsing and being on my feet for hours has paid off.  Also we have eaten all our meals at home, and with the kitchen pretty cleaned out, there hasn't been any snack food around to sabotage me.

Today will be great even if we do eat a late dinner about 8:30 at Lakeside after the show because so much energy will have been spent in cleaning during the day and during the show.  I'm not worried about tonight's dinner at all.

Then there will be Passover!  LOL  Lots of eating at seders!  I will have to go take long walks each day to use up the matzoh calories.  LOL

Our synagogue has chosen it's new rabbi.  We went to the meeting yesterday and learned that they have extended the offer to Rabbi Dario, which is his first name.  I'm not sure why he goes by that.  I don't even remember his last name.  We had three to choose from.  No one liked the first one, but it was very, very close between the second and third ones.  Mark and I sort of preferred Rabbi Pollison, the second one, but we thought Dario was also fine.  He is Argentinian and has never lived in the US. He trained in Argentina and at a modern Orthodox place in Israel.  He has been the second rabbi at a HUGE Reform congregation in Buenos Airies for the last 12 years. He's 40 years old with a five year old daughter and another baby due about the time of the High Holidays.  Because of that, he is not going to start here until early November.  Some of the congregation seemed pretty angry about that, but I don't care.  They can hire a rabbi for the holiday season easily enough, or our Cantor Doug can do it.  He filled in as both rabbi and cantor for THREE YEARS before our current rabbi was hired.  Some complainers last night are such new members that they didn't know about that, but that's how it was when we joined.

Rabbi Dario speaks Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, and English fluently.  The Hispanic community in our shul is VERY thrilled!  Mark and I will be fine.  It's certainly going to be very different at SOJC come November.

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