Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday Weigh-in and leaving San Antonio

So let's get the weight report over with first.  I'm down a little from yesterday to 265.8.  That means I have lost three pounds in the two weeks since we left home.  I will take that.  I have also lost 15 pounds sine June 22 when I started dieting seriously again.  15 pounds in five weeks is amazing!  I am happy this morning about all of this.

Today I am going to be eating a kosher deli sandwich from a kosher restaurant in Austin after we visit the state capitol, then we will head to San Angelo tonight as we begin the northward journey up into the panhandle.

Yesterday we had a wonderful final day in San Antonio, but unfortunately, I forgot to put the battery back in my camera.  I took a lot of pictures on my cell phone, but I can't get them in to the blog from there.  If you are a Facebook friend, then you already saw the best of the bunch.

We took the narrated trolley tour and got off at just one stop to go up the Tower of Americas.  That was built in 1968 for the Hemisphere World's Fair.  We saw a 4D movie called Skies over Texas and went up the tower for just a few minutes.  It was actually a long walk from the trolley stop to the tower, and since the trolley only came around once every hour, we didn't want to miss the next one.  Then we just stayed on the whole way around listening to the narration.  When we got back to Alamo Plaza, we had our usual Subway lunch followed by a lot of walking on the River Walk and the half hour narrated boat ride in the San Antonio River through the city.  All of that was a lot of fun.  I bought myself the definitive biography of Sam Houston in the Visitor's Center, and then we walked down to the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum.  We didn't go through the museum, but I bought Mark a 20 ounce locally brewed beer and a diet Coke for me.  The Buckhorn was established in 1881 and is the oldest continually operating saloon in Texas.  I took a lot of pictures in there because "they use antlers in all of their decorating."  In fact there were stuffed heads of every imaginable creature including giraffe and elephant, so it was kind of weird, too.  Mark also enjoyed the shooting gallery.  We got back to the hotel around 5 p.m. and Mark did laundry before our Denny's dinner.

It's been a great vacation so far.  Today is day 14 of 64.

I'm sorry there are no pictures for today.  I definitely put the battery back in the camera, so there will be pictures tomorrow of the Texas state capitol building in Austin.

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