Tuesday, July 29, 2014

National Lasagna Day

I have no idea who thinks up this stuff.  Still, if it's on Facebook, it must be true.  Right?

In honor of this special occasion, Mark is making a big pan of a new veggie lasagna recipe using high fiber, low fat ingredients.  He will freeze it and serve it next Thursday after we pick Lowell and Emily up at the airport.  Tonight we will eat nice high fat, low fiber lasagna at a nearby Italian restaurant with Lowell's new in-laws, Phil and Pat.

We had a lovely lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse yesterday with some of Mark's former co-workers.  Here's a shot of the group.

L-R around the table: Howard Eiserike, Allan Silver, Mark Silverstein, Tom Vollmer, Margo Vollmer, Les Salter and his wife (actually seated before Les)  

We have been busy babysitting our granddogs, Trillian, age 7, and Ozma, age 3.  Yes, it's every bit as much fun (and work!) as actual 7 and 3 year olds.  They like to take a long walk every day.  They like to run around the house, making noise and acting crazy.  They like to eat.  They like to fight with each other.  They like to cuddle up with you for hugs, kisses, and naps. Fortunately, the weather has been fantastic for walking outside.  Later in the week it might rain, so we might get out of walking!

Here are a few pictures of Mark playing with Trillian on the deck.

Trillian likes to chase light beams.  Mark is reflecting the sun off his iPhone for her amusement.
Finally, here are the last of the photos from the trip.

On our final day in Rapid City, we visited the American Bison Museum before heading to the airport.

We also learned that Rapid City is the City of Presidents.  There are four presidential statues on each corner of many blocks across two of the main streets.  We posed with a few. Here's Mark with George Washington.  We visited the ones close to the museum both before and after we went in.

Inside the museum

So glad there are some people who saw this coming and preserved some buffalo to repopulate eventually.  There will never be as many as there once were.  This museum explained how they were saved.

Me and John Quincy Adams

Mark checking if Thomas Jefferson is writing the Declaration correctly.

Then on to the airport

Mark bought be a beautiful Black Hills gold necklace in this palm tree motif for an early birthday present before we left Rapid City.  It's awesome, and I love it.  And I love Mark, too.  Thanks, Mark.

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