Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I highly recommend the movie Boyhood.  We enjoyed it very much at the Enzian theater Monday.  We were terribly disappointed that the kosher restaurant had new summer hours, so it was closed by 4 p.m.  We ate at the Eden Bar restaurant at the Enzian, which is nice, but we had eaten there several times before.  We wanted to have kosher deli meat, so eating fish again wasn't what we wanted.  Even so, the blackened mahi was delicious, and eating at the theater is very convenient.

The movie is an Indie film, filmed with the same cast, once a year for 12 years.  What a concept!  The director always wanted to do a boy growing up from first grade to high school graduation, and that's what he did.  He also cast his own daughter as the boy's sister, so we see her growing up as well.  Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette were the parents.  It's a coming of age story that is really well done.

Last night I started back up on Guys and Dolls.  It meets only on Tuesdays and ends the first weekend in December, so it's not so much work that Mark will miss me too much.  At least that's my hope.  He really doesn't like it when I'm gone so much for Starliters, so I'm skipping it this year.  Also, we have booked a LOT of cruises during that time which would have made participating in that very difficult anyway.  I have to admit I enjoyed the two hours of singing very much.  After four years in the group, I have a lot of friends there.  One of them had saved me a seat!  I was greeted by many people, so it's a warm, fuzzy feeling being there again with everyone.  I actually missed the first rehearsal, which was last week while we were at the convention, so some of them were looking for me last night.  I have to say I enjoyed that feeling very much.

This morning I have "our" handyman, Schmiddy, coming over to do a few things: power wash the house and driveway, recaulk the guest room tub, clean out the dryer vent, replace the weather stripping on the bottom of the door from the laundry room to the garage, and FINALLY hang up my two huge and heavy framed jigsaw puzzles.  The alligator is going into the powder room and the manatee will be in the lanai.  I'm excited for all of this!

I also have my six month check up with the radiation oncologist.  He is nice and so is his nurse. I'm going to take the wedding calendar to show them because they always like to chat about family.  I don't expect him to find anything wrong.  I have recently gotten my mammogram results, all normal.  I really feel these twice a year appointments with him are unnecessary, but I keep going anyway. 

And tonight I have to go out to the synagogue for a choir rehearsal.   There are only three rehearsals left before they sing at the High Holidays.  We are also singing at the Selichot services. 

I have not stuck to my diet as well as I had hoped.  I did eat all three of those bags of potato chips, so it's amazing to me that I'm down a pound at all so far.  Well, now they are gone and there won't be any more coming in.  I promise.  I did walk 35 minutes in the track and do my weights on Monday.  That was it for exercise so far.  I doubt if there will be any today because of the doctor's appointment, the handyman, and the rehearsal tonight.  At least all of that keeps me from eating out or snacking too much.  No time!  LOL!

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