Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Having a fabulous trip so far.

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog, but you all know we've been busy and having fun!

I was going to write one yesterday to report the weight since it was Monday, but I never got around to it.  LOL!

Well, I guess it's a good thing that I'm still the same as when we left, 252.5.  Actually yesterday, Monday, I would have had to report a gain of three pounds, 255.6, but I behaved yesterday and lost those three in one day.  So this morning, Tuesday, I was 252.5.

None of that is good because I have failed at all my goals.  I had the goal of hitting 200 for the wedding.  Then the goal of 225.  Then the goal of 232, which I actually hit once a few months ago.  Then the goal of weighing just a smidge less than at Evey's wedding in 2011, which was about 246-248.  Unfortunately, I didn't put it in a blog.  LOL!  I just checked.  So now I'm hoping for the weight at Evey's wedding, somewhere between 246 and 248.

Today Mark and I took an hour long walk around Cindy's new neighborhood.  She lives very close to the childhood home I grew up in from ages 2-11.  We walked from her house to that old house and back, around a big square.  Along the way, I regaled Mark with stories of my childhood.  He was so tired that he went right to sleep when we got back!  Connection?  NAH!

I didn't have a camera with me today on that walk, but before we leave here, we will do that walk again and there will be lots of pictures!

When we first arrived, we had a great visit for three days with our friends Jeff and Sara, and Father's Day with Lowell and Emily and her parents. The next week was at the Eastern Naturist Gathering at Camp Westmont in Poyntelle, PA where we had a chance to reconnect with old friends, and I even directed a choir! Now we are spending 10 days with Cindy before heading to NJ for the Fourth of July festivities.

Here are a few pictures from the trip so far.

First night we arrived we had Shabbat dinner at the Oresky's house.  Sara and Phyllis lit the candles.

Celebrating Saul's new job as the rabbi in Boardman, OH

We brought Jeff and Sara an alligator paper towel holder.

Sara and I dressed as twins to go to services that first Saturday.

Saturday night we had dinner at a Thai restaurant in Gambrills, MD, visiting Dave and Linda S.

Father and son on Father's Day in Columbia, MD

Mark Lowell, Emily, and Phil in the restaurant on Father's Day

The three of us

The six of us

We strolled through the Columbia Arts and Crafts Festival after lunch.  Then we stopped for a break in some shade.
I also took a ton of pictures of Cindy's new house.  I'll include just a few of them here.

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