Thursday, December 14, 2017

Heading north for Hanukkah

We are racing around the house trying to get ready go to the auto train, including packing up a mountain of presents to give out Saturday night!

Yesterday was Weigh-in Wednesday, but I didn't take the time to write.  I am 263 this morning, which is okay considering the holidays and parties and eating out.  Now if I can only report next Wednesday that I'm still the same after this little trip!  Wouldn't that be nice.

I took Mark up to his annual check up at the ophthalmologist.  This time he has to come back in six months because he saw some small aneurysms in his eyes that need to be checked more often than once a year.  They are going to inject dye to take pictures of them next time.  I am not sure what that all means, but it is related to him being a diabetic for over 40 years.

We had Susan and Jonathan over for dinner last night and then headed out at 5:30 to SOJC.  My little choir led five Hanukkah songs for the entire school and their parents.  First there was a communal candle lighting of Hanukkiahs with the Rabbi leading the blessings.  Then we passed out our song sheets and sang with everybody.  We got lots of compliments.  It was a first, and a very successful evening. I'm sure it won't be the last.  They passed out jelly donuts afterward, but we didn't stay for those.  We had already eaten them at home!

I am taking my computer up north, and I'll try to post some blogs and pictures.  Not promising, but I'll try.

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