Monday, March 30, 2015

Indy's Got Talent

Mark and I had a wonderful time in Millsboro, DE with our friends Dave and Evey H.  I have included some pictures below of the weekend and the show.

This morning is Monday, so I weighed in.  The good news is that I did not gain any extra weight over the weekend, even though we ate out several times and had wonderful meals at the house.  The bad news is that I still weigh 281, a terrible number.  The words "terrible number" are  clearly very relative.  I'm sure I called many other, much smaller weights, "terrible numbers."  LOL!

This morning I ate my usual, healthy, low calorie breakfast.  Mark is making a chicken dinner from Diabetic Living magazine for us and Cindy and Ken, who will arrive at the airport from their trip to San Antonio tonight.  Lunch is out, unfortunately.  We are meeting a bunch of Mark's former NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center co-workers at Longhorn Steakhouse in Bowie.  I hope that I will order a salmon salad and eschew the bread.  That would be the right thing to do.

I'm also planning to take a small walk around the neighborhood today, if possible.  It should not be too cold today, sunny and high of 57.  Compared to the below freezing temps and snowfall that occurred in Delaware over the weekend, it will feel positively balmy.

Shabbat dinner at Dave and Evey's house.

At the Clubhouse getting ready for the show.  Mark and Jeff both added a lot to the show!

Group photo before the show.

Mark, Alvin (singer, director, and producer), Dick (MC), Dave (producer, director, writer, performer)

Dave and Froggy, the Gremlin (Jeff Rosen)

Evey sang "Bosom Buddies" with a friend from their community.

Mark and Irwin worked without a mike for the first time.  For some reason the mike didn't work, but Mark projected his voice very well without it.

Excellent guitar/singing medley.

Alvin and Dave, plus the guitarist and one more friend, were the Delmarvatones.  They sang three Doo-Wop songs throughout the show.  Here they were singing "In the Still of the Night."

Evey and Eric did a very funny skit.

Alvin was a fabulous singer and not only sang three songs with the Delmarvatones but also sang two other songs of his own plus a tap dance solo!

Eric Land was great as Oliver Wolcott.  This skit was "On the Streets Where We Live."  All the streets in Independence are named for famous Americans.

This skit was the last act before the whole-cast finale.

The cast singing the finale.

Goodies were provided by residents and the bar was open in the Clubhouse for the After Party.

It was good to see Jackie and Eric Land.  We had not seen them in about 10 years, and they still look exactly the same. How is this possible?

Then we found them again at the Long Neck Diner for a late supper after the show.

We all enjoyed the food at the diner for the late supper and went back for the breakfast buffet the next morning.

Mark took one picture of me at the diner.  We really enjoyed the weekend.

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