Saturday, July 24, 2010

Respite, albeit brief

This morning it is Shabbat. Whew. Time to relax, for a little while.

First I went out and gave my plants a huge drink this morning. I had not done this for awhile. We were gone or it rained, but yesterday it was a BLAST furnace outside and they were really looking fried. I gave them an extra long drink this morning to try to get them through a day that will be over 100 here. I don't plan to go out anymore to water them, so I hope it holds them until their new owner starts taking care of them.

Mark and I worked really hard yesterday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with just a short lunch break. We were really exhausted. I flopped into bed at 9 p.m. and fell right to sleep, aching all over.

Today we get to go to a bar mitzvah and a luncheon. It's a chance to see a lot of our synagogue friends that we might not see until September and the High Holiday season. Then this afternoon we have to get back to loading the last of the stuff into boxes. I hope to have everything done by tonight with the possible exception of the kitchen. There's a real possibility that I'll be doing that tomorrow morning while the guys are loading the pod.

Last night was our last Shabbat dinner in this house. We were reminiscing about the first one when we had a 2 year old at the table with us. I can't really remember it, but it was fun to fantasize what it was probably like. We used to buy him a little toy for every Shabbat. We kept that tradition going through Evey's little girlhood, but that' probably one reason why there's so many little toys in the basement collecting dust. Ha Ha!!

I'm also worrying about the pathology report. I know it's useless to continue to worry when I have no information, but it's also really hard to stop. I have learned that the internet is a friend and foe. It's possible to read anything about anything at any time. Most of it is not useful, but some of it is just frightening. I should not put too much stock in it. Some of it is also inspiring and helpful. One thing I have learned is that it is hard to apply any of their stories to ME personally, especially without a diagnosis.

It seems that not eating out, having no snacks in the house, and working and sweating for eight hours a day is a great weight loss tool. Ha Ha. I have dropped seven pounds in two days, but sadly I had just put those seven on recently. I had hit 222, which was a number I was proud to report last year, but now is embarassing. This morning I was 215, still up 10 from my lowest. I'll watch myself at the bar mitzvah luncheon today.

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