Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Line Dancing and Lunch out

It's Tuesday, which means Line Dancing Day. We are heading up in about twenty minutes to sweat our butts off. That's good for us, right? We are following that up by lunch out and a dip in the pool, if the afternoon rains hold off long enough.

It's also weigh-in day. I'm 247.4, which is down 2.1 pounds. I guess that's good because I had gone up and then stayed up the last month. I hope I can go down a bit in this upcoming week before we start our six weeks of travel. It's really hard for me on travel and eating out three meals a day.

Meanwhile, this morning I had a great conversation with my friend Robin from MD. What fun to chat about "stuff" on the phone with a girlfriend. That's something no one should take for granted.

The Flexi-Touch machine worked just fine last night. I did not have leg cramps, relaxed enough to doze off during it, and had to have Mark wake me up to tell me it was done. I think that's the right way to do it!

I'm getting just a little concerned; however, because my arm seems to be getting bigger even though I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to do: the machine, manual drainage 5-7 times a day, my 10 minute upper body exercise routine every morning, wearing the compression sleeve and glove all day, staying out of hot tubs, not lifting anything over 10 pounds. I tried to take a few measurements on my own today, and they are definitely 1-2 cm bigger than what the therapist wrote down on my last day with her, July 14. Later today, I'm going to have Mark take them and try to be more accurate. If it's true that I'm that much bigger in less than two weeks out of therapy, I will have to think about wrapping myself up in the bandages more often, maybe every night, or even wear it for a few days. It's the most therapeutic thing. Everything else is just trying to keep it at status quo, but if that's not working, only the bandages are going to make the swelling go down significantly, or going back to the therapist. I do NOT want to do that. If I do have to go back, I don't want it to be in less than six months to a year's time. I really want to be able to manage my condition by myself.


  1. Becky,
    I wish that I had something very encouraging to say about your arm but I don't. You are in my thoughts and prayers though. I am so sorry that you are having to still struggle with your arm at this point. I think that with your wonderful attitude you will figure out a way to keep the swelling under control, but I am sure hoping for your sake that you can do that and not have it interfere with your enjoyment of the wonderful events coming up for you. It sure sounds like you are doing everything you can for yourself in re: to your arm.

    I am so glad that you didn't get the leg cramps last night.

    I am looking forward to being able to read about your upcoming wedding adventures. I hope that you are getting excited about it.

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I am very excited about the wedding! I'm certainly going to have lots of pictures and blog entries about it, for sure. I never got around to doing those arm measurements yesterday, but we are doing them this morning. I'll post them in the next blog. Thanks for being so supportive.

    I got on my own support group yesterday and caught up reading. I finally posted about my arm. I don't think anyone on there is having that issue because they are still in active treatment. Still the moderator was sympathetic.

  3. Fun talking to you,too Becky!! I will keep you posted.
    Off to a day Baysox game today. Bryce Harper-young sensation for the Nationals-is playing on the opposing team. It is camp day so that should be interesting.
